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(The drawing's not mine, but it's pretty cute tho, right?)

Waking up, Douma noticed three things. One, Giyuu was nowhere to be seen. Two, he was hugging a huge pillow, and he certainly didn't remember that happening, so 'Yuu must have put it there to free himself from the taller male's tight grip. And three, there was a note taped to his forehead. Yes, taped.

The spot where the short note was, remained sticky. But, oh well, for sure Tomioka wouldn't mind him using the shower, or some of his clothes.

'An emergency Hashira meeting was called, which I had to attend. I'll hopefully be back by noon, maybe even before 11:00. Don't burn down the house and it'll be fine. See you in a while.
P.s Kanzaburo(my crow) won't mind you staying unless you hurt me. So you should be ok.'

Looking for the elderly crow, Douma decided to try it out, ''Kanzaburo?'', earning no response.

So either the crow didn't hear him, or he wasn't there at the moment. There's always the option he was simply ignored by the bird, but he doubted it. Giyuu did say that his pet was fine with another demon in the 'family'.

The silver-blonde haired demon in desperate need of a bath started searching for a bathroom. Once he found one, not caring what temperature the water was, he turned the tap on and waited 'till the tub was full, taking his clothes off afterwards and making a mental note to wash them before he left.

After a quick clean off, the rainbow-eyed man walked out of the small tube and made his way to the do- shit.... he forgot to bring any clothes with him, and walking around the water estate nude didn't seem like the best idea. Buut, on the other side it was better than staying locked in one room for hours.

So, taking a deap breath, he walked out the bathroom leaving the dirty clothes inside, and made his way to the water Pillar's bedroom. Opening the door to his closet the demon spotted a moving ball of still mostly black feathers that seemed to be sleeping.


The bird in response unfurled itself and flew onto the blonde's unruly hair, while curling up yet again and falling asleep momentarily.

''I guess that means we're friends already, huh?'', and with a slight smile he continued his searching for clothes.

His colourful eyes landed on a Haori very similar to the one his best friend wore. Only difference was that the two sides seemed to be swapped. The very thought of wearing something matching with the water Hashira sent chills up his body and made him grin widely. That sure sounded like a great idea.

After finding a pair of greyish-black Hakama pants, a short black Yukata and some underwear, he quickly got dressed wearing the red Haori with a green and yellow pattern on top.

''Perfect! But it does scare me a bit how Kanza managed to stay asleep on my head the whole time...''

Until Giyuu arrived, Douma practically only wandered around the Water estate trying to locate where, what was, occasionally petting the sleeping crow(why did I write cow?). But as soon as he heard the front door slide open, the demon rushed in the direction of the porch and hugged Tomioka tightly.

''What are you wearing?''

''Your clothes 'Yuu, I hope you don't mind. I don't realy have anything else.''

''It's fine, but... nevermind. You can keep that Haori, it suits you.''

''Oh Giyuu, look! We're matching!''

''Yes, we are.'' A smile made it's way on the Hashira's usual stoic face before he added, ''Is that Kanzaburo on your head?''

''Yep! He's such a sweet birdy.''

''It's still hours before sunset, what do you wanna do?''

''Will you now tell me who hurt you?'' :3


''Worth a shot. Hmmm.... how about hide and seek. But like a suuuper extreme version where we can hide anywhere. ''

''Sure, I'll count first, you go hide.''

''I still have no idea how you managed to hide in the ceiling. Or the kitchen floor.''

''That'll stay a secret forever, just like you don't want to tell me who hurt you.'' :3

A deap sigh escaped the water Hashira's lips as he stretched his sore muscles a bit. Today seemed to take a toll on both of their bodies, but what else do you expect after hours of hiding in weird positions. It was practically night already, so Douma would have to head out soon.

''It's late already, and the sun's practically hidden. When are you leaving?''

''I might as well leave now. I'll just call Nakime to make sure nobody sees me leaving. Are you sure that I can keep this Haori? It seems important to you...''

''It's a present, if I didn't want to, then I wouldn't give it to you.''

The man with ocean-blue eyes took a quick glance at the setting sun behind the curtains, gave his demon friend a hug, and bed him farewell before the rainbow-eyed male would call a certain black haired demoness.



''Hello Nakime-chan, do you know where Kokushibo-dono is?''


''He's right here. Now you two, talk. You've been ignoring each other for a few days, I'll leave for now, but I want you to talk things out.'', and with another strung of her biwa, she was gone.

''I-I'm sorry Kokushibo-dono! I panicked an-and...''

''No, I should be the one to apologise Douma. I didn't think it through, how my actions could affect you. Please, forgive me.''



''I-I love you.'', and before he could register what happened, Douma leant in for a passionate kiss.

Word count: 952

Hello there, dear humans!
I can't believe I actually managed to do a second update this week. I have a few days off of school so I'll have more time, expect another update soon.
Douma and Koku finally made up, yippee!
Autor-chan's out

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