Chapter 2: The Apparition

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I highly suggest listening to The Apparition by Sleep Token because it's pretty much the inspiration for this chapter. Love you guys!

"What are you doing? Do you think I won't do it?" Marina's voice came from behind him, and the winged male blinked slowly turning towards her

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"What are you doing? Do you think I won't do it?" Marina's voice came from behind him, and the winged male blinked slowly turning towards her. When had she moved? It was late, the city lit up seemingly glowing from all the lights of the buildings and streets below. It was the weekend, but it was still late most people home already. Although Keigo could barely hear some footsteps of the stragglers finally going home. Maybe they were returning home from the bars or karaoke, hopefully not worked though. It was the weekend after all.

When he turned, his eyes immediately went wide, and he felt himself get to his feet without thinking. Easy as breathing, the want to help people without thinking. "Marina!" Keigo took a quick step forward towards her, he felt his entire body start to shake slightly. His best friend was standing on the edge of the building, feet up on the ledge standing up right. She had her hands spread out wide and her hair was blowing wildly behind her. He froze at the sight of her; the way she was smiling at him, the lights illuminating her face and bright golden colored hair. The wind ripped through it making the long strands fly all over the place, it didn't seem to faze her at all. Nothing ever did. She kept her gaze solely on him, focused and unyielding. Her dark blue eyes bright and teasing. The way she looked now, the image of her would be burned inside him forever.

"What are you doing?" He asked over the wind as he stepped closer to her with a wry smile. She was always so carefree, her Father a pro hero but she acted like it wasn't a big deal. Maybe that was why he had always been so drawn to her; all the seriousness in his life and somehow, she broke through it all reminding him how to smile and have fun again. His hands reached out to grab her, but Marina gently swatted his hands away still grinning. He raised his eyebrows at her and his wings behind him ruffled slightly in response. He flared his wings out and the feel of the wind against his feathers immediately relaxed him. Home. In the air and through the wind, his true home.

"You need to stop this nonsense of yours, you're going to be a pro hero soon!" Marina said interrupting his thoughts as she beamed at him. Again, her smile reminded him to relax, his shoulders sagging slightly. Till he once again saw the ruffle of her jacket and realized where she was standing.

He felt a small stab of anxiety in his gut, and he shook his head reaching for her once more. "Yes but-"

"No, nope, nope Keigo! You'll officially be a pro hero soon, you're going to be the best hero ever and I don't care what the commission says, you shouldn't hide anymore!" The blonde said as she grabbed his hands squeezing him before pushing them away again. Before he could respond to her, Marina twirled around in a circle. A ripple of fear ran down his spine and he moved closer to the ledge trying to reach for her. Keigo knew in his gut that no matter what he could get her, even if she fell. He had Fierce Wings after all, but he wasn't supposed to be out like this, exposed. Even if it was dark out and he was high up above peering eyes, The commission forbade it; they spent so many years training him, molding him for his perfect pro hero debut, the way they had put in so much work and effort into him. It had to be perfect, he had to the perfect pro hero with the perfect pro hero debut and---

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