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Enjoy this extra long chapter and sorry in advance! Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter was the inspiration behind this chapter. Love you guys!

Things slowly started to shift between them, Marina realized one afternoon

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Things slowly started to shift between them, Marina realized one afternoon. It had been several weeks since she apologized to Keigo, really they had decided to say forgive one another. It wasn't planned at all; the moment she saw his face the words came spilling out of her mouth and heart without thinking. There was a mountain of issues between them that would need sorting through and talked about at some point, but they had time to do that. Yes, they had time. Something she never thought they would have the luxury of. She hadn't told him about the fact that his letters did get sent to her after all or how her Mother kept them a secret and ended up burning them. She still felt so angry over it, she loved her Mother deeply. Why she decided to just change the trajectory of their relationship, she didn't understand and part of her didn't want to. It was a bit awkward and unsure at first when they started talking every day; Hawks walked her home sometimes when he wasn't busy with patrol or work. If they weren't able to do that, he made it a point to text her instead and talked to her for a bit that way. They talked about a lot of things; both of their lives were completely different now after all.

The blonde expected him to ask about the letters, but the subject never came up. How would she answer him if he even asked? The years that had forced the distance between them would never be brought back. Both of them under the wrong assumption of the other too: Hawks thought she hated him, and Marina thought he wanted nothing to do with her. The winged hero wasn't one to pry thankfully; but she knew better, Keigo was smart he had already figured out something had happened and didn't want to bother her further about it. Healing would take time, but both of them seemed to want their relationship to work once more. She had to constantly remind herself that they did have time, time together and time to heal.

Marina hadn't talked to her Mother since that infamous phone call, not that her Mother hadn't tried to contact her. There had been dozens and dozens of calls and texts, she ignored them all and deleted the lengthy voicemails that were left too. Nothing could be said or done to alleviate or make up for what she had done. The damage was done and wasn't going to mend magically overnight. She was sure her Mother loved her dearly, they had always been close even before everything happened with her Dad. Hell, there, they had gotten even closer after leaving Japan, it made the betrayal so much worse. What she had done, what she had stolen from her, from Keigo, from the both of them was unforgivable. Marina tried not to imagine how different her life could be if her Mother had given her Keigo's letters. Would she stayed in Japan? If she had, Marina would've been able to stay by his side as he became a pro hero. Everything, every aspect of her life would be different. The familiar vibration of her phone getting an email went off in her jean pocket, tearing her away from her thoughts.

Frowning, she took her phone out and unlocked it as she brought up her notifications. She thought she had gotten a text, but saw an email notification instead. Her finger clicked on the new email notification and her eyes narrowed when she saw who the sender was. Marina hadn't answered any texts or phone calls, so now her Mother was so desperate to contact her she had sent an email instead? She scanned over the email; it wasn't that long, and the format exactly wasn't what a typical email was either. It was more like a list of demands than an email. 'Marina you're being childish and selfish. I understand your frustration, but icing me out and not contacting me back at all is just plain cruel.' The blonde snorted as she paused for a moment before going back to reading. "You've proven your point; you're mad I get it but you cannot treat your Mother like this. It's been several weeks, and I still don't have an answer about any of the arrangements I've sent you. Poor Rei hasn't heard from you either and he's been entirely beside himself.' She paused once more, a bit taken aback by that statement. She had texted Rei briefly the other day for a bit, had he not told her Mother that they had talked? That wasn't like him at all, he knew of the situation but to completely take her side instead of her Mother's? Again, it wasn't like him at all. She went back to reading. Speaking of Rei, he will be in Japan very soon to check on the arrangements we've made earlier this month. I expect you to go with him this time too. I'll be in Japan at the end of the month, hopefully you'll have a cooler head, and we can discuss everything like adults. I mean it Marina; you can be mad all you want but at the end of the day, I am still your Mother whether you like it or not and I---'

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