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November 28th, 2012

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November 28th, 2012

Me, Caroline, Elena and Stefan had taken it upon ourselves to start a round of dartboard at the grill.

"Ha! Third time in a row, Stefan. How does that feel?" Elena gloated, and I had never seen her out of her shell much before this. Wasn't really ever that close to her, because she was the human embodiment of a hermit crab.

"I would like to remind you all that I've gotten it down five times!" Caroline interrupted, holding her hand up in defense.

"I got it a couple times, too," I said nonchalantly, before continuing, "As a matter of fact, eight times."

"Okay, but I'm pretty sure you all started without me, no?" Stefan tried to defend himself.

It was only the second time we had managed to drag Stefan outside of the boarding house. He had spent much of our visit living inside of a journal he kept. As if he was planning something... or researching something.

Other than that, they were all pretty.... normal.

All of a sudden, a blonde girl came running into the bar and went straight to Stefan.

Wow, he's the light for blond-haired mosquitoes I guess.

"Stefan... it's about damon," she seemed serious, and the tone drastically shifted. Everyone stared, and everyone else seemed to almost be anticipating what the next words were.

What about Damon?

I became interested and leaned against the pool table to get a better listen into their conversation.

"The ascendant... I got it from my brother. He managed to convince Joshua that he'd keep it safe," she looked around, eyeing me suspiciously before turning back to Stefan, "We can get them."

Them? What in the hell is going on.

"What are you talking about, Liv? Damon's dead." Elena chimed in, furrowing her eyebrows and balling her fists up.

"No, the Gemini Coven knows there's others in the prison world. I mean they made the spell back in 1994. They're trying to keep it hush to keep... someone out."

Hold up, Gemini Coven? What the fuck does this girl have to do with them or any of these idiots?

They're just human mostly, except Stefan... right?

Elena looked at Stefan with a mixed combination of disbelief and betrayal, "Stefan, why didn't you tell me? I mean, all this time, I-"

She choked before she could finish her sentence and Stefan looked away in shame.

Entertaining, but let's move along now.

Finally, I couldn't really stand to hear any bickering anymore, "Gemini Coven?"

The "Liv" girl threw a nasty look at me and I happily returned it, "What do you know about any of that?"

"I can say the same about you." she rebutted my comment, pissing me off even more than I already was. I began to move toward her to slap her, but Stefan popped in my view and held his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know how you know about any of this," he looked back at liv, then back towards me, "but you need to back off."

Damn, I basically blew my fucking cover. Fuck it, I guess.

"I used to mentor with a descendant of Joshua Parker, the leader of the coven." I didn't really need to go into more detail, did I? Apparently, they knew much more than they led on about all of that and we are in Mystic Falls afterall.

I shoved his hand off my shoulder, raising my eyebrow as I waited on a response.

He ignored my comment, turning back to Liv to discuss more of their conversation. "So...? What do we need to do?"

"Well, we need a solar eclipse to fully access the prison world and then we need to get them... quick."

Then it clicked, because I remembered this from years ago. When... I was still human.

A witch.

"It happens... tonight. So, it's really now or never for a while." Liv's words obviously shake everyone in the room and it seemed everyone forgot my presence. I snaked from behind Stefan, "You need bennett blood to perform the spell, idiot. Also, you need more power. Are you really that much of an idiot? God, what has the Gemini Coven come to over the last two decades?"

Liv's eyes narrowed at me, but she didn't say anything.

"Say goodbye to your loved ones, because there's no way in hell that a bennett witch is gonna agree to go against basic principles. If something or someone is trapped in there, they deserve it and you're an idiot for thinking they'd willingly allow all of that." I flattened my lips, deflating all of the hope in the room.

Elena began to tear up, turning towards Stefan for some sort of confirmation.

"Actually," Caroline finally spoke up, "there might be someone..."


We ended up around a few hours outside of the town, walking towards a small white house.

No one really said anything, but I still tagged along because Caroline was my main ride. These people have absolutely no clue of anything.

Caroline knocked on the door, looking around shortly before the door opened.

Hm, she was pretty.

"What are you doing here?"

Anddd a bitch.

"It's bonnie..."

The woman's expression softened and the door fully opened slowly.

"We think there's a way we can help her," Caroline started to tell the women, "But we need your help."

"What do you mean?"

Wow, she sure speaks alot.

Somehow, I'm still confused on why we were there. Not really piecing things together, because I was too busy with crippling disappointment in the fact that I likely wouldn't get revenge that I had worked on for years.

"Your blood. It's the key to helping us free them."

Wow, way to explain Caroline-

Wait, she's a bennett?

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