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November 28th, 2012

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November 28th, 2012

His body fell, a thud reverberating through the woods. I tossed his heart away from the palm of my hand, angrily and screamed.

A scream that shook me deep inside and drummed a beat of something that sounded like losing my sanity.

"Fuck! Goddamn it!" I gritted my teeth, throwing the stick Kai had planned to use on me. It smacked a tree, bouncing back in my direction.

Maybe it was morbid...

or maybe it was the human that once died in me

or maybe it was even the side of me that survived my death

but the thought of being completely alone forever scared the absolute shit out of me.

Not in a "Oh, I'm afraid of the dark" kind of way, more like the inevitable silence that makes you hallucinate and lose your sense of self kind of way.

So, I stayed. Stayed right next to him, for hours.

At first, I really couldn't stand the sight of him and I made myself rush to the Salvatore boarding house's cellar for a bottle of red wine. But I guess I grew lonely because I came back about ten minutes later.


He laid still, pale and unchanged.

A dark thought made way to corrupt my mind, "When will he start to smell...?"

Why was he even here of all places?

The sun set, leaving a cool blue tone to the woods and I decided it was probably time to leave.

As a witch, I had only briefly heard of prison worlds, because it was never used.

So, all I knew was that I had about... an infinite amount of the same days until I either killed myself or got released.

I chucked the bottle away, watching it shatter and I began to walk in the direction of the boarding house.

Leaves rustled behind me, a sharp crunch caused me to turn around and he emerged into my view.

He's alive.

And he's definitely pissed.

My mind worked to make sense of the fact that he was still breathing and functioning in front of me.

"You don't die here, do you?"

"Yeah, see here's the thing about this prison world my coven created for me," he smiled, lightly like if we weren't stuck here and like he didn't just come back to life, "I don't die. Trust me, been there and done that."

"Created for you? You didn't have anything to do with..." I trailed off, unable to finish my sentence and I only stared at his face in disbelief for a moment.

FADE INTO YOU || Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now