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Fortunately, we had found the ascendant, but.... it was in actual pieces.

and not in the shed.

Instead, it was scattered where Kai was initially going to merge with Jo. Where he was when the coven turned their back on him and banished him.

Understandably, he didn't look too comfortable revisiting this part of the woods or his memories.

"So, this part fits here and then interlocks with this other one," I sat criss-crossed on the floor of his room.

He reached over, brushing his hand against mine to readjust the pieces, causing me to stop breathing for a moment.

"I bet you're really bad at puzzles," he poked at me, restarting me again to glare at him. But he was right, of course, and it began to actually look like a contraption.

I looked at him, no, really looked at him. I had tried to find a moment where he wouldn't have his stare intertwine with mine.

His hair was pretty, brown and styled. His skin was smooth, like he routinely took care of it. His eyes were blue, really a unique shade too and—

and he was staring right back at me.

I looked away quickly, coughing and eager to shift any attention from what just happened, "So, now all we need is that rock, right?"

He smirked, looking down at the ascendant, "Yep, then it's home sweet home."

I tried to figure out what that meant. What exactly would I do, once I got out of here?

Kai would... he would kill his father.

I don't know what I would do. Go back to being pathetic? Would I still even be hellbent on my revenge against Damon?

I don't really know.

"So, what're your plans for when we get out of here?" Kai asked, practically on cue with my thoughts.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully, hating how easy it was for me to just let words fall from my mouth around him, like if we'd known each other forever.

"No grand master plan? I mean, not to be rude but, I'd be pissed if I got left here by all of the Scooby Gang," he grabbed the pieces of the ascendant, standing to the floor and holding his free hand out toward me.

I said nothing, throwing yet another glare in his way and getting up on my own.

"Whatever, get ready by tonight," he took his hand back and began walking out of the room with pieces of the ascendant in his other hand.

"For what?" I peeked around the corner, but he didn't bother to turn my way.

"Mystic Falls."


We crammed a few things in the car, and I took a page from the "Kai's Prison World guide" and brought cassettes of my own.

I said nothing, as I quickly pushed the cassette in and he looked at me with an expression that screamed upset.

"If I'm gonna drive almost two days with you, let me have some music to cope."

"Stop acting like it's so bad, at least I'm not Damon," he pointed out, which was true but I wouldn't admit that. So, I just scoffed and let the music play.

"So, are phones like cooler?"

"Yeah, actually. They're pretty convenient now, I guess."

"I'll make sure to buy one, when we get out."

I looked out the window, trying to distract myself by counting the trees that whizzed past. All of a sudden, I heard Kai chewing... loudly, by the way.

"Please, be normal and chew with your mouth closed."

"Want one?" he shoved the bag my way and I quickly returned it. "Pork rinds? Kai, those are the worst snacks ever made."

He mocked a look of offense and took one of his hands off the wheel to touch his chest. "Wow, it's sad that you have zero taste... I almost feel sorry for you," his eyebrows twisted together, as he made a fake pout.

"Shut up."

But I guess ten hours into a drive with nothing in my system, caught up with me because I had eaten half the bag.

I looked at him again, he seemed tired. Bags were under his eyes but besides that, Kai would never admit he was exhausted. Not for just the recent events, but eighteen years here? I would be practically a shell. He was strong in that way, I'll admit that.

Then I remembered the shed, never really finding time to think about it.

Heartbeat control? Meaning Joshua stopped Kai's heart probably a million times in order to summon some of his magic. I can't imagine that, especially as a child and from someone you are taught to love.

"What are you staring at? You're looking a little freaky," he drained me from my thoughts, as my eyes moved to focus back on him.

"I'm sorry."

He knew what I meant by that. The layered apology wasn't really for the conflict of the last few repeating nights or for the way I seemed to always zone out.

"I don't need an apology," his grip on the wheel tightened, but he tried to play calm, "it's no big deal."

Did I want to push him more? No, because he'd probably actually kill me or the other way around. Depends, really.

"Did you ever go crazy? You know, being here all alone and hearing all the silence?"

"Of course, but I was okay with my own company for the most part."


This is how it would be between us, and I was okay with that. I didn't really want to ever get much closer than this, and let him know the parts of me that weren't colored in between the lines. God knows, he has no shame of his flaws... he flaunts them.

There's moments, though, where I wished he could be more normal. It would make it much less lonely in this prison world, where the sky never yells in return.

But wishes aren't always meant to be fulfilled, so I adjusted myself to bring my head up and looked away.

Away from him.

I made myself grit my teeth, and accept the loneliness of this world.

How can the company of someone be so much more lonely and pitiful?

Don't get me wrong, my association with Kai was solely intended to help get me out of here. But for just a second, I imagined what it'd be like to be friends with him. The image of a young Kai echoes through my head, making me wonder what he'd be like had things been much more different.

You wouldn't be here... this is all his fault.

Yeah, maybe.

What would things be like for me, if I'd never met him or had magic?

Things would be okay.

So, with the rare silence of the car, I dreamt of a world where things were okay. I let my soul float out of my body, to get a break from myself.

FADE INTO YOU || Kai ParkerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu