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It was lunchtime, and Kinney was in the cafeteria. She was eating alone at a small table, hearing laughter and chatter all around her.

She was peacefully eating her grilled cheese sandwich, which she made this morning.

"Hey, Sidney," Upon hearing her sisters name, Kinney lifted her head, but something was poured over her head, and she gasped, standing up.

"That's what happens when you embarrass me in class." It was Casey's becker, and she just poured milk all over Kinney.

"I'm not Sidney...I'm Kinney." Kinney told her, her eyes stinging with tears as people laughed at her, pointed at her, whispering to each other.

"Kinney? Who the hell is Kinney?" Casey questioned, and Kinney looked at her, "That's me. I'm Sidney's twin sister, Kinney."

Casey huffed ,"Well, how was I supposed to know that?"

Kinney sniffled, casting her eyes down to the ground as she collected her bag and rushed away from the cafeteria.

Kinney ran into the bathroom and stood in front of a mirror. Her hair was dripping wet with milk, and her clothes were soaked in it.

Her tears were mixed with the milk, and she tried to stop her tears, but she couldn't.

"Who the hell is Kinney?" Casey's voice echoed in her mind.

Nobody knew who she was. Casey thought she was Sidney. Sidney was the one who was supposed to get milk poured over her, not Kinney.

"Kin?" Startled, Kinney wiped her tears and turned towards the door. She watched as stu walked in, concerned.

"I saw you run in. What happened?" Stu questioned, walking over to her.

"Nothing. You're in the girls' bathroom, stu. Go before someone sees you." Kinney quietly told him

"No way, you are my best friend. Are you covered in milk?" Stu questioned, and Kinney chuckled.

"Billy's your best friend." Stu smiled a bit, "Yeah, he's my male best friend, but are my female best friend , my one and only female best friend."

Kinney sniffled ,"she didn't even know who I was. She just thought I was Sidney."

Stu looked at her confused, "who?"

"Casey becker, that's who. I guessed Sidney embarrassed her in class or something, and she wanted revenge, and she thought I was Sidney , so she poured milk all over me in the cafeteria," Kinney told him, shaking her head

"Everyone laughed at me, and I left my sandwich in there. It was really good." Stu slightly chuckled

"I bet it was. Hey, get yourself cleaned, I'll be back with clean and dry clothes." Stu told her, and before she could even reply, stu was already gone.

Kinney sighed before she started to clean her hair the best she could in the bathroom sink.

Stu returned a couple minutes later with clothing in his hands. "Here, you can change into this."

Kinney smiled a little, taking the clothes from stu. "Thank you."

Kinney walked into a stall and closed the door behind her, and stu waited.

It wasn't long before Kinney walked out, and stu froze, his heart racing his chest,

Kinney looked so cute in his clothes. She was wearing a grey sleeve shirt, the shirt ended by her thighs, the sleeves were a little big that she folded it up at her wrist.

The pants were also big on her that she rolled it up to her ankles.

"My clothes are really big on you." Stu managed to say, and he blushed as Kinney looked at him, a bit shocked.

"These are yours?" She questioned, and he nodded.

"They're comfortable." She quietly said, her own cheeks red and stu smiled, chuckling as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Come on, kin, let's head to class." Kinney nodded, but before she could walk out, stu pulled her into a hug.

Kinney froze before she slowly relaxed and hugged him back.

"I'm sorry, Kinney."

- -

Billy waited outside after school, and he didn't have to wait long before stu rushed out of the school with a duffel bag of hockey equipment on his shoulder.

"Hey, mind explaining to me why kin was wearing your clothes today?" Billy questioned, startling stu.

"Jesus! And her clothes were covered in milk. She I lent her mine." Stu told him

"Why were they covered in milk?" Billy asked, his eyes filled with anger, but his voice was oddly calm.

"So, remember when Sidney openly embarrassed Casey in class?" Billy nodded

"So, Casey wanted to get revenge on Sidney for that. So she thought Kinney was Sidney, and she poured milk all over Kinney during lunchtime, but the worst part is that Casey didn't even know who Kinney was." Stu said, scoffing

Billy clenched his fist, "Let's pay a visit to her later." Stu grinned.


- -

Kinney was at home making herself another grilled cheese sandwich when the doorbell rang.

She sighed and went over to the front door, opening it. She didn't see anyone but a package.

Confused, she picked it up, and she was even more confused when it was for her.

She closed the door behind her and opened the package.

Her eyes widened as she saw what was inside.

"Holy shit!"


Word count - 859

Hope you enjoy!

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