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Billy and stu were fuming by the time Kinney finished telling them about what happened two years ago at the mall.

"It's not your fault, kin." Stu told her, reaching out and grabbing Kinney's hand in his.

"But it is. If I hadn't dressed the way I did.." She trailed off, sniffling, and Billy reached his hand out and grabbed Kinney's other hand in his eyes.

"You were fifteen, Kinney. Fifteen year old girls shouldn't have to worry about what they wear because of some sick fucks. You didn't do anything wrong, " Billy told her

"It wasn't your fault, and it will never be your fault. Okay?" Kinney stared at him for a second before nodding her head.

"Okay." Kinney whispered, looking down at her lap. Billy and stu shared a look, a silent conversation passing through them.

"You know, what would make you feel better?" Stu suddenly stood up, and Kinney looked at him and stu gave her a small grin.

"Ice cream, Taki's, pillow fort, and star wars marathon." Stu told her, and Kinney smiled ,"You watched Star Wars?"

Stu nodded ,"Obviously! I binged watched the whole movie series during the weekend."

"I haven't watched Star Wars." Billy spoke up, and both Kinney and stu gasped at him.

"You haven't watched Star Wars? Why?" Kinney questioned,

"You should be arrested for not watching Star Wars. It's a crime against humanity! It's like the second worst crime ever!" Stu dramatically said, falling on the bed, and Kinney chuckled.

"What's the first worst crime?" Billy questioned, smiling a bit as he heard Kinney chuckle.

"Abandoning animals on the side of the road or in the sewers." Stu replied, and Kinney nodded.

"Yeah, that's the worst crime anyone could ever commit. Well, that and murdering a child." Kinney told him

Billy slightly chuckled ,"Okay. How about we start building that pillow fort?"

- -

After Kinney had fallen asleep in the pillow fort and the boys made sure she was comfortable and well covered in blankets so she wouldn't get cold.

They snuck out of the prescott house and headed to the mall.

It was a security guard that hurt Kinney. Their Kinney. Nobody puts their hands on Kinney and gets away with it.

They knew which security guard it was. They've seen him around. He was a jackass and a total asshole.

The guy was totally on their list, but like all the way at the bottom, but now he made it to the top.

The boys arrived at the mall in less than an hour as they had gone to stu's house first, got their stuff, and took the car.

Billy decided to be the one to call, and stu would be the one to attack.

- -

There was a security at the mall by the name of Joe. He was in the security room when the phone rang.

He sighed and picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hello, Joe."

"Who is this?"

"Someone who knows your secret."

"Look, I don't know who you are and what you want, but I'm hanging up now."

Joe hung up and placed the phone down. The phone rang again, and an annoyed sighed left him, and he picked up the phone again.


"That was rude of you. You shouldn't have hung up on me."

"Who the hell is this?"

"Someone who knows what you did two years ago to a fifteen year old girl."


"You heard me. Did it make you feel tough?"

Joe, being the complete asshole, smirked ,"I am tough, but that girl, man, she was something else."

"She was a good lay."

It was silent on the other line, and Joe chuckled.

"You shouldn't have touched her. She wasn't yours to touch!"

The dial tone was heard and Joe pulled the phone away from his ear, sighing and placing the phone down.

He chuckled, shaking his head before he felt a tap on his shoulder, and he turned around, his eyes widened

"Oh shit!" He fell back off his chair as he barely dodged the knife that almost stabbed him.

The knife was impaled at the computers, and Joe cursed, pulling out his gun, but it was kicked out of his hand, and he let out a scream as he was stabbed.

He pushed the killer off and stood up, running out of the security room. The killer chased him, throwing the knife at him, hitting him right in the back, but he kept running.

He was almost at the door when he was tackled, the knife shoving further into his back, and he screamed.

"No, no, please!" He pleaded, and the killer titled his head , shaking his head.

He pulled the mask off ,"you think you have the right to say no?" Billy questioned,

"Her decision to say no was taken away because of you! You have no right saying no. You have no right to pleade for your life!" Billy darkly smirked

"We're gonna make this so fucking painful for you."

Screams echoed through the mall but they went unheard.


Word count - 844

Hope you enjoy!

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