Chapter Nine

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A yawn escapes me. I'm standing in my office, looking up at Fey's portrait hanging above the hearth. She sat for the painting wearing the same dress she wore that soul-crushing night. It pains me to keep it up but it's the only picture I have of her. 

I stroll over to my desk, sit down and begin tapping my fingers. 

Aldo and Scar should be back from the Dumps soon. I wonder what that little shit has to say for himself when I show him what I found. 

A knock cracks on my door. 

Readying myself for the confrontation, I straighten my posture and puff out my chest. No  more games. 

'Enter,' I say, but it's Tready who walks in. Slightly disappointed, I ask, 'Anything?' 

'The emissary was staying at Sir Blouf's residence,' Tready replies irritably. 'And I was told, he's already left the city.' He shakes his head. 

'What's the matter?' 

'I can't believe he was allowed here--' Tready lowers his voice '--Invited to the palace, sir.' 

'You and me both. Here's a promise . . . if this siege, this war ends, if we survive, I'll take you out for a drink and we can both whine about it until the sun appears the following day.' 

'Deal, sir. So why did you want me to look into the emissary?' 

I haven't told my men about my suspicions. But I will if more evidence comes to light. 

I lie. 'With the possibility of the Night Cleaver returning I thought it prudent to investigate our enemy. And speaking of the Night Cleaver, any more reports of attacks on women?' 


'Nothing yet,' I reply, certain there will be, and my guts lurch at the thought. 'Thank you, Tready.' 

'No problem, sir.' 

Tready leaves me to wait for Aldo and Scar again. 

I get up from my chair and hobble in anguish over to the cabinet wedged in the corner, withdrawing an empty bottle of elixir. I was hoping there would be at least a small drop left but it's as dry as the Salt Deserts. There is, however, a bottle of something else. And it's full to the brim. It's poison, a faint image of a skeleton on its side and the word, Ellhdoow, written below. 

Strange. When did I possess this? Where did I possess this? 

I pick it up, ready to scrutinize the vessel of death, when I hear the door open. Expecting Aldo and Scar, I glower at who it is. 

My elixirman. 

'I saw you at the palace,' I say, returning the bottle and shutting the cabinet. 

'Did you now?' the man just replies. 

'Have you been promoted to the royal court? I'm hoping you have.' 

'That is none of your concern.' 

'None of my concern?' My voice is raised. 'None of my concern? Of course it is. You could brew me my elixir with the king's supplies.' 

My elixirman doesn't respond. Instead, he walks past me, stares up at the portrait of my wife and says, 'Have you thought any about what I said to you? About retiring from your duties.' 

Rage begins to bubble inside me. 'I told you to never mention that ever again. I will not warn you a second time.' 

'She would want it.' 

I'm about to lose more of my patience on him when another knock comes at the door. 

'Enter,' I snarl before making my way back to my desk. 

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