Chapter Twenty

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Using Lorma's carrier owl, I sent my letters off to Trin and Seamil hours ago. And it wasn't long after I did when Seamil replied, conveying his absolute shock and dismay at the accusation against me. He promised to do everything in his power to prove my innocence. 

I knew he'd have my back in this but it helped deeply to see it written down. Not a good friend, but a brother. 

Trin, on the other hand, hasn't answered. I sent the letter to her home. Maybe she's not there. I'm slightly worried but she can handle herself. 

A knock rattles my thoughts and I look away from the portrait of Fey, her eyes seemingly moving from the flickering candle light. 

'I'm not the sheriff anymore,' I call out. 'You don't need to knock.' 

With a look of pity and sadness, Tready enters the study before saying, 'Sir, Jac just came back from Sir Blouf's residence--' 

'And?' I say, anxious at any information. Just hearing the tiniest would comfort me. 

'It's swarming with the king's guards. Jac asked if we could see the crime scene and he was quickly dismissed.' 

Getting into the residence and searching for clues to the real killer is my only hope at not being executed. 


'Thank you for telling me,' I reply. 

'Also, sir, I sent a message to the examiner,' Tready continues, 'asking if he could get in touch with the palace's. They're good friends, are they not?' 

I nod. 

'I'm sure he can get something from him,' Tready adds, 'information about Sir Blouf's murder.' 

'Yes,' I pipe up with relative delight. 'It was a very good idea to do that.' I'm not surprised at his well-reasoning. I've taught him and the others well. 'Thank you again.' 

'There's something else.' Tready moves closer to the desk. 'The king has put a guard on almost every corner of the city. There's one outside here. He just came. Scar noticed him.' 

From my chair, I get to my feet and hobble across the room to the nearest window. Then peeking through its blind, I see him. He's at the far end of the street, standing and staring in this direction. 

'The king is determined to find you, sir,' says Tready. 

'Indeed he is,' I breathe back. 

I'll need to be careful tonight when I leave for Trin's. Even if I don't receive a message back, staying with her is the plan. Now her accepting the plan is another story. But I'm sure she will. We've been through too much for her to leave me out in the cold. 

Unfortunately, she still hasn't answered my letter when night falls and I'm getting more worried. But maybe she has company over. A woman that has kept her. 

And now with the blinds open and the candle extinguished, I stare out at the king's guard from behind a bookshelf, his armour shimmering in the starlit night. 

Suddenly, I hear the study door open before the dim beam of a lamp washes over the bookshelf. 

'Pannor, are you there?' comes a whisper. 

With my mind continuing to play tricks on me, I think it's Fey at first and my heart leaps like it hasn't leapt in ages. 

'Pannor?' comes the voice again. 

'Over here, Lorma' I reply, sticking my hand out above the tomes beside me. 

Lorma places the lamp down and finds her way over, joining me in staring outside. 

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