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"Sir I saw you were struggling to choose, here it's one of the best one we serve, you can try this", waiter offered , since Jimin was confuse what he should eat, well he would have tried all the things but he can't let other's think that he just came for food, thought it was true still he needs to eat less and best. Jimin accepted the dessert not wanting to embarrass himself more and muttered a ,"Thank you".


"The hell will this party end ?", Yoongi left out a groan , his eyes reflected a image of Jimin looking little off balance struggling to escape the crowd and his feet unconsciously followed curiously.

Yoongi was stunned to see that Jimin punched a man hard who held his cheek but then Jimin lost his own balance and fell on his knees and man approached Jimin again grabbing his waist and got another punch, but this time it was from Yoongi, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HUH?",  Causing the man run away but Yoongi didn't followed the man as Drugged Jimin was priority.


Yoongi was driving the car with Jimin on passenger seat as Yoongi said his chauffeur to take care of the scooter they came earlier on.

"It-it's too h-ot", Jimin's breath was shaking as he tried to unbottun his shirt , making older groan in annoyance, "can't you stay quiet, such a burden you are", Yoongi scoffed.


Drug was effecting in many ways not only Jimin was feeling hot but rush of emotions too. Yeah consuming drug can relieve your stress or pain but excessive amount or strong drug can bring your emotions out negatively making the pain worse. And for Jimin he was not an alcoholic person so obviously it was new for his body.

Yoongi somehow managed the limping male to reach in room and cursing at the situation as why he have to take burden of man he hates, "Such a burden you are, I don't know why you even exist in my life", Yoongi blurted bluntly not caring about younger's state right now.

Jimin's sudden laughing like a maniac grabbed Yoongi's attention, Jimin sat on floor and laughed more but it was not out of amusement but of course pain , he laughed like he was pitying himself.
"Are you pshyco,?", Yoongi asked with what the fuck

"You are right am just a burden, you know even I pity myself sometimes ", Yoongi was just listening like what else he could do , "That's why everyone leaves me and in that list my parents are the first, Only my Tae is constant ", Jimin again chuckled painfully.He would never have said these things in front of Yoongi if he was in his right mind but unfortunately he wasn't.

"Why are you acting pathetic suddenly,"
"Because I am", Yoongi was speechless, he was not feeling bad for younger but maybe not good also for his situation .

Yoongi picked up the male who was trying to get free from his thorny clothes which were comfortable once , and marched towards the bathroom,"YAH! LEAVE ME ", Jimin yellped

He placed Jimin in bathtub filling it with cold water, "this may help you ", and left.

Yoongi was now laying on the bed replaying today's incident and sat up realising "someone must have blown away his food and drugged him but who?"

Yoongi's thoughts got intrupted by revealing a naked Jimin out of bathroom, having a towel around his waist , Yoongi was in daze , eyes were scanning Jimin's body.

"Haven't you seen a man before Mr.Min", Jimin said bluntly making Yoongi averting his gaze and release his breath which he didn't knew he was holding,

, Jimin took his clothes from cupboard and went back in bathroom.

"Are you sobered now", Yoongi asked the male who was fixing his pillow on couch to find a comfortable position.
"I guess maybe! Still my head is heavy and am feeling dizzy", Jimin replied closing his eyes and carresing his temples

Yoongi went out of the room and got back with a glass of hangover juice, and paced it on the table beside the couch causing Jimin open his eyes and looking curious "Just have it you'll feel better", Jimin gulped it down since he doesn't had energy to argue and he was enough traumatized by today's incident already."Thank you Mr.Min"

It was the most Normal conversation or should say first conversation ,they had in almost one month , since they have just fought till now.

"Whatever", Yoongi took his position on bed and drifted to sleep , so did Jimin.

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