Then there were Three

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Kario a man shunned by his own kind, and also that of the mortals he encountered here of upper earth, found solace in his newest friend

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Kario a man shunned by his own kind, and also that of the mortals he encountered here of upper earth, found solace in his newest friend. Certainly not one in any form he would have imagined.

Yet the energetic and gentle black hound led him to both water and nightly shelter, lay on his frigid extremities like a heated blanket as he slept, and brought him food. The rest Kario was capable of, clumsily skinning the lean rabbits who too were starving for good forage, and conjuring a fire to roast them by. He shared what little he had with his canine savior, and trusted his newfound friend to lead him on his way.

Days passed in this fashion. Kario on crippled feet would hobble as far as he could, oddly it seemed to him his canine companion had some empathy for his condition and always seemed to procure a decent place to rest and a welcome meal before he felt he could continue no more.

She led him east, always east. He did dimly wonder through the haze of cold and pain what it was she was leading him toward? Though mostly Kario was now consumed by his ordeal, and in the evenings he collapsed into the dreamless sleep of the dead.

It had been yet another of those tortured days on uncooperative feet. Kario had to admit even with the company of his furred helper he was beginning to lose hope. Step by painful step, he had even fashioned a sturdy walking stick from one of the unfortunate and twisted scrub trees to aid his passage across uneven sands. He found he leant on it heavily today, and his progress forward no more than a snail's pace.

She had circled and returned to him in that unbridled energetic lope of hers. Her wet muzzle poked at his thigh and rubbed against his free hand. She whimpered and then barked, got down on her front paws low in the sand and barked once more. Kario looked up, but all he could see was the next dune rising before him. He was tiring alarmingly swiftly today. It was not even mid morning and he was well ready to lay down to sleep.

At the hound's incessant urging he slowly crested the dune. The tired fugitive had to blink twice to be doubly sure he was seeing what lay ahead. A town, a real town!

Galvanized by the habitation before him Kario forgot all caution and proceeded as swiftly as his battered feet could carry him. Using the last of his energy to reach his hard won goal. The black dog hung back by his side, perhaps aware it could be in jeopardy here if it appeared unowned. They entered the village together where Kario finally collapsed near the central well.

Jhary and Aurianne had been relaxing by the comfort of yet another enamored host's fire. Life of late had been sweet and kind. Though there was much that had gone unsaid between the duo, and the undercurrents in both of their thoughts had been elsewhere these last few days.

Aurianne now she had re-provisioned was anxious to return north and to try one more time to assist her clansman, or at the very worst reassure herself Darius was beyond her help. Though she knew her companion would wish no part in going north, nor the associated risks it held. This troubled her greatly, so she was loath to mention the idea.

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