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ꪻaryn packed all of her things at her intern desk into a box provided by the company. She looked forward to the next academic year where she would get to unpack the same box at a new desk, the desk of a person who actually designed things. Finally getting to properly design and learn on the job would be a huge part of her second year on her course, if she was lucky enough to pass the final exams that they were all in the middle of sitting. August helped her pack away her desk as she had been the last person to do so, wanting to finish her final project before even starting. To her it made no sense to put some things in a box and leave it under the desk, slowly adding things she didn't use during the day as others had. "Want help studying? I could test you on the techniques?" he asked whilst she stood from her desk chair, figuring she would not miss the ache the chairs' awful back support gave her.

"Oh I would but I'm not taking the final tomorrow, C's letting me take it in two days so I can go back home for a wedding," she paused, wondering how she could have forgotten to inform him about the wedding she had been looking forward to for the better half of a week. It would be nice to see her Dads and Luke again whilst the town wasn't so populated with all the students coming back for the summer and the influx of tourists. "I asked her this morning so I'm hoping she won't forget."

August, hiding his furrowed brow, flipped the cover over her faux leather satchel as she placed the final few things into the box. "Who's getting married?"

She cleared her throat, informing her minds want to just get the explanation out as quickly as possible. "Luke's sister," she replied, choosing to not include the fact that it was her ex-boyfriend's mothers wedding and she was highly likely to run into him at least once during the day. The mere idea of running into him had her stomach jumping through anxiety filled loops but she felt she had to go, for Luke.

"Oh the diner guy, the third dad," August replied as he handed her her bag.

She laughed softly as she placed her bag onto her shoulder, ensuring her hair did not get caught on the strap." I think he'd love that you called him that."

"How are you getting there?"

She sighed softly as she picked up the box of her things that had somehow managed to accumulate on her desk. "Ri's letting me borrow her car. It's a nightmare getting out of the city but getting multiple buses back to Stars Hollow is not ideal either."

As they always did, the couple stopped at the entrance to the building and prepared to go their separate ways. He had never once offered to walk her home but she understood, it was incredibly out of his way and there wasn't a way to the subway near where she lived. "Let me know when you get home?"

"Course," she smiled as she always did and kissed him goodbye before heading into the dark street alone.


Taryn drove home at night and arrived back in Stars Hollow with just enough time for a quick nap before the wedding began. She dressed quickly in the outfit she had prepared beforehand, a simple handmade flowery dress with renfair attributes that were easily identifiable but she could still wear the piece day to day. She, after a quick breakfast and coffee discussion with her Dad's headed out of the house and towards the town square where the wedding was.

The second she spotted the diner owner, Taryn unlooped her arm from her Dad's and quickly walked over to him. "Luke!"

"Taryn hey!" he grinned, once again struggling to hide how much he had actually missed her. He always claimed he never even noticed she was gone most of the time. "Glad you could make it."

"Love the dress Lorelai," Taryn complemented, momentarily raising a brow at the two of them together. It almost seemed as if they were on a date, though she didn't know if either of them knew that.

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