It was supposed to be the best day of his life.

"Stupid Hia" he says angrily, pouting his mouth. He's really, really angry now.

He even told Pruk about his birthday party long before anyone else to be sure that he will absolutely come. And Pruk said that nothing would stop him.

Wait a minute.

What if something happened to him and that's why he's still not here? But then he should feel it, right?

And what if it's something else?

He wipes his face with his sleeve, not caring if he gets snot on his blouse and races back to the ongoing party. He'll ask his Mama to call Mrs. Panich. Yes, that's what he'll do.

But just as he's about to turn around the corner in the corridor, he collides with something that definitely shouldn't be there, making him fall on his butt.

"Aow!" he cries, rubbing his forehead. It throbs painfully, but the pain doesn't come from this one place only. His chin also hurts. And he smells his favorite scent in the world.

"Nhu!" he hears and opens his eyes wide.

Pruk is sprawled across from him, massaging his jaw. He crawls closer to Chawarin and touches his face. "Are you hurt, Rinnie? Why did you cry?" he asks with panic in his voice.

Chawarin wants to answer that he's okay, but then he remembers why he was angry in the first place.

"Whew'e eve you been? I was waitin' fow' you!" he shouts in the older boy's face.

"I'm sorry, Nhu," Pruk looks like a lost puppy. "I just wanted your present to be perfect."

"I don' wanna pw'esent, silly, I just wanna you!" he says, not entirely placated.

Pruk is silent for a moment as if stunned.

Just then Chawarin notices his outfit.

He's dressed similarly to Chawarin, in white and pink, and has identical meshy wings on his back. On his raven hair there's a cute bunny headband.

"PukPuk, you look so cuuuute, we'we matchy matchy!" he exclaims with glee.

"No, you're the one who looks cute, Rinnie!"

"No, you look cute!" Chawarin doesn't want to budge.

"It's your birthday, so you're the cutest!" Pruk' not about to surrender so easily either.

"Okie, I'm the cutestest." Chawarin flips his hair back and then blushes a little. "So whaddaya have for me?"

"Wait in your room; I'll go get it. I was s'possed to show it to you right away, but then I felt you were sad, so..." Pruk doesn't finish, but Chawarin knows what he means.

"Mhm, huw'y, PukPuk, I wanna see it" he says, squeezing his soulmate's arm. Lately they've became attuned to their moods also, knowing when the other one was extremely happy or sad. Chawarin goes back to his room and sits on the same bed where he had just cried his eyes out.

The older boy is back in the span of a few seconds, and before he enters Chawarin's room, he shouts, "Close your eyes, Nhu!"

Chawarin giggles, feeling giddy all over his body. He can't wait to see the gift. "Closed, Hia!"

"And don't peek!"

"Oi, Hia! I won't!" He even covers his eyes with his hands.

He hears Pruk entering his room, and then feels the bed dipping next to him.

"Okay, you can look now."

Chawarin slowly lowers his hands and opens his eyes. Instead of his soulmate's face, he sees a big doggie plushie with white and grey fur, cute button nose and colorful sash with dog and cat's faces. There are also two words on it, one of the few he can write and read so far.

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