#24 The Deer Pond

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I lay on my bed, staring at my sliding glass door. It was late, probably well past midnight. I couldn't sleep. That seemed to be a recurring issue ever since I moved into my new apartment two weeks ago. It was a small studio apartment, a simple design that fit my simple needs and pleasures. My bed was nestled into the corner of a small cranny and when I lay on my side I could see out my glass door that looked out into a grassy field.

I was on the first floor, a small concrete patio splaying out from the door to give way to a sprawling green lawn. In the middle of that field was a small pond. I had taken a walk around the premise after I had moved in and discovered the humble body of water. There were no trees around it, no vegetation. Groomed grass crept to the water's edge and encircled the edges, tickling the shallow muddy bank.

And now, as I tossed and turned in dark silence, I thought about that pond. I wanted to get up and close the curtains, sheltering my view from the pressing black outside, but didn't dare. Something was making my heart race, my mouth dry. I couldn't stop looking at the closed door.

I could feel something out there.

Or was it my imagination?

I knew I was probably just jumpy, my mind not accustomed to this new living space. Everything felt unfamiliar. Everything felt alien. Like I was an intruder in someone else's home. Of course that was ridiculous, but time hadn't brushed the feeling aside quite yet.

Suddenly, my heart skipped a beat. Had I locked the door? Jesus, had I locked the door?! I wanted to go check, my eyes never leaving the night filled panes, but I felt like if I moved, something would come crashing through.

You're acting crazy, my mind reasoned, you're a grown ass man just get up and check to see if you locked the door.

But I felt like something was waiting for me on the other side, veiled in black. I exhaled and tried to settle myself. My apartment was dead quiet.

The pond.

I could see it perfectly in my mind's eye, sitting amongst the giggling grass, their blades tickled by a night wind. Why did I keep thinking about that? Why did it fill me with such unease in these hidden hours?

Go lock the door.

Taking a deep breath, I pulled the covers off me and sat up.

I froze, heart screeching to a halt. Did something just move outside? Was that footsteps? Had someone or something been watching me?

Now you're just freaking yourself out. Stop it.

Hesitant, I slid my legs over the side of my bed and placed my feet on the soft carpet. A trickle of sweat ran down my back. There was no moon tonight and so I had to rely on my eyes to cut through the thick black. Something told me if I turned on a light, whatever was out there would react violently to the exposure.

How old are you? There's no such thing as monsters.

Swallowing, I stood up and went to the door, heart throwing itself against my chest. I reached it without incident and fumbled for the lock.

Jesus, it had been open this whole time.

I flipped the tab and heard the lock register. I stood there for a moment longer, my face inches from the glass. I could feel cool air radiating from the other side.

There's something in that pond.

The thought sent a shiver rocketing through me and I turned and hurried back to the safety of my covers. I buried myself beneath their comforting embrace and turned my back on the door, trying to ignore my unexplainable fear.

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