#55 Microwave Popcorn

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Ellen was asleep on the couch. I kissed her on the cheek and got up to make some popcorn. The movie was on a scene where the girl was walking down a dark hallway full of windows. I walked into the kitchen and turned on the microwave.

From the direction of the living room came a sound of shattering glass. I heard a loud scream, followed by an inhuman shirek. The girl screamed again and then there were the thick, wet slurping and tearing noises of prey being devoured. There was a howl and then another sound of glass breaking. The girl's moans died away and the popcorn finished.

I poured it into a bowl and walked back into the living room. A cool breeze hit me in the face and I stepped in something wet and thick. I dropped the bowl in shock, sending the popcorn flying in all directions.

I had left the movie on mute.

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