Chapter 7: Summer Vacation

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It's nearing the end of Summer and we all had a blast. All of us, except Sam and Emily, went to California for a couple of weeks to let loose and to get away from reality for awhile. Most of the time we just went and did our own thing, but when we were together we wouldn't let Stiles pick because of an incident that happened last week. If we let him pick, then we did extensive research before we went. Let's just say, the first time we let him pick we were at a gay club that ended up getting raided by the police and SWAT. Sam had to talk to the police over the phone to help us out because he didn't believe our story.


We are getting ready to go out and it was Stiles' turn to pick the place. He told us that he heard some people in the talking about this club called 'Bajando' (Don't know if that's a real club) and thinks that we should try it out. When we got there, we could see the long line of people and knew that it was going to take forever to get in. Stiles didn't want to wait so he cut everyone and started talking to the bouncer, went as far as to try and bribe him. We just followed him before he could get into any trouble. When the bouncer started to tell Stiles that he had to wait in the back of the line, he saw us walking toward him. "Are you four with this guy?"

"Yes he is. We just came to get him so we can go wait in line. Sorry for any trouble he caused you," Jared says. He goes to grab Stiles and all of sudden the bouncer changes his mind and lets all 5 of us in, especially after seeing that Paul was with us also. We didn't think much of it and didn't notice that all the people that were waiting in line was all men. Not a single woman in sight. When we got in, we all went to the bar to go get a drink. As we were waiting for our drinks, Kim and I quickly noticed that the guys kept getting hit on. Mainly Paul and Jared. At first we thought they were women, but when we got a closer look we noticed they were men. Everything started to click into place. Kim and I started looking around and noticed that everyone in the club were men. I just looked at the guys and they seemed to have caught on also. Jared looked at Stiles and said, "I think we're in a gay club."

"Man, nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, huh, Jared?" Jared just looked at him with a deadpan look and sees a few men around Stiles petting on him. "This is deja vu all over again." He just shakes his head. He can't believe that this is happening again. "Let's get out of here." We started making our way toward the door until out of the blue the door is knocked down by a SWAT team and yelling at everyone to get on the ground. We all complied. Paul made sure to put half his body over me while Jared did the same to Kim. Stiles just laid down as close as he could to us. When they finally let us out the door, we saw that the police were arresting people. When a police officer was making his way over to us, Paul and Jared slowly got on front of the 3 of us. I started to rub Paul's back and silently told him not to start anything. We needed to see what he wanted. When the officer reached us, he started asking us questions and we answered them the best that we could.

"Were you aware that this club was a cover up for drugs and money laundering?" the officer asked. I decided I would do all the speaking. I stepped around Paul, much to his displeasure and started talking to the officer.

"We are from La Push, Washington and are just here on Summer vacation. We are only here for one more week before we head back." When I was done speaking, I had a witch tingle that the officer didn't believe half the things that were said.

"I need your names so I can know who I'm speaking with." I then started introducing everyone to him.

"This is my husband Paul and his brother Jared. This is Jared's fiance Kim and my brother Stiles." Once I mentioned that Paul was my husband, he looked at me with love in his eyes. I knew he loved hearing me say that. It will be coming true soon. Kim blushed when I introduced her as Jared's fiance while Jared had a huge smile on his face. "If you don't believe me, I can call my uncle and he can tell you himself," I said. As I was telling the officer that, I could see Kim descreetly see texting Sam on the predicament and how we were introdced to the officer. After looking at me for a few seconds, he finally agreed. I took out my phone to call Sam. Since it wasn't too late, I called him and he answered on the second ring. "Hey Uncle Sam. I have an officer here that wants to speak to you." All Sam said was okay, but I knew that we were going to be talking about this later. I then gave my phone to the officer and he walked off to the side to talk to Sam. The others looked at me with a questioning look and Stiles was the first one to speak up.

"Why didn't you call your dad? He's a police officer too."

"I didn't tell call my dad Stiles is because I knew he would let it slip and the all of Forks and La Push would know before we get back." All he did was nod his head because I knew I was right.

Jared then piped up, "Why did you call Sam your uncle?"

"I called Sam my uncle because I got a feeling that this officer didn't believe half the stuff I said and if I told him that he could talk to a family friend of ours, then he wouldn't have done it. This officer seems like he will only talk to family members and not friends." They all pondered that for a second.

"Is that why you introduced us like that?" Kim asked and I just nodded my head. I looked at Paul because he was being quiet and all he was doing was staring at me. I then looked at Stiles and asked him why he brought us to a gay club. I knew he didn't have a great excuse so he went with, "I have something to tell you guys." I knew where this was going so I said something before he could.

"You're not gay Stiles."

"I could be!" he said, sounding appalled that I would assume something like that.

"Not dressed like that," was all I said. Jared and Paul started laughing and agreed with me. Before anything else was said, the officer came back over and told us that our story checked out and that we were free to leave. Instead of going anywhere else for the night, we just went back to the hotel and went to our own rooms. When Paul and I got our room, I asked him why he was staring at me earlier like he wanted to devour me earlier. He told me how he loved hearing me introduce him as his husband. What? It's going to be coming true anyways. Might as well start getting use to it. When I told him that, instead of him saying anything he just kissed me and threw me on the bed. We made love several times before going to sleep.

*End of flashback*

We were nervous when we got back to La Push because I knew Sam was wanting to hear how we got into that position at the club. He was never going to let us live this down and I was right when he kept bringing it up and teasing us about it. Emily pulled me to the side one day while the guys were outside and told me how happy I made Sam when I called him uncle. It was the truth. He was like family to me and always will be.

Bella found out about my trip to California and was mad that I didn't invite her and Edward. I even got a phone call about it. "Why didn't you invite me and Edward on the trip to California?"

"I don't have to invite you to anything. You're nothing to me."

"You know I've wanted to go to California."

"No you don't! You only want to go because I did."

"Why are you always so mean to me? I haven't done anything wrong?"

"Bullshit! You're a spoiled, entitled brat that thinks that should have everything without working for it." I could hear her crying in the background, but I was not falling for it. "If you want to go to California so damn bad, have your leech take you. Oh wait. They can't go out in the sun or they will shine like a disco ball and draw unwanted attention."

"You are such a bitch Evelyn!"

"Takes one to know one Isabella!" She then lets out a frustrated noise and tries to say something else, but I hang up before she does. "That bitch needs to be set straight."

I go on about my day by going to Emily's to meet up with her and Kim. They are helping plan my wedding and it's only a couple of months away. I know it seems like that doesn't give me enough time, but I'm not doing something huge. It's going to be something small and simple with only close friends and family invited. Sam and Emily said we could use their house to get ready for the wedding, but we will be getting married on the beach and Billy will be the one officiating. Everything is looking up for me and Paul...... For now.


I know this chapter was a little short, but it was more of a filler.

Who's ready for Paul's and Evelyn's wedding?

What did you think of Stiles picking a gay club? Talk about deja vu.

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