Chapter 2: Weddings & New Members

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It's been 3 months since the Cullens left and no more Quileutes have phased. As for the red head, she hasn't been around the much but the guys still go on patrol to make sure that she doesn't cross the border. Paul and I decided to go ahead and have our wedding since there hasn't been anymore phasing and not much activity with the leeches so I will officially be Mrs. Lahote tomorrow. We can't have it on the beach because it will too cold for some people so Sam and Emily said we could have the ceremony in their back. Instead of getting ready at Emily's house now, us girls are getting ready at mine.

Bella has been in depression and won't come out of her room. All she does is sit in her chair and stares out the window everyday. Dad says that she has nightmares and she screams in her sleep. It's to the point that he's been having to sleep on the couch so he can at least get a couple of hours in, but it still doesn't drown out the noise. I've been going over to dad's house as much as I can to make sure the she eats and takes a shower. I even try talking to her, but at this point it's a lost cause and she's looking more like a zombie everyday.

I'm currently headed to my dad's house to check on Bella again before I go pick up Emily and Kim because this will probably be the last time I see her in awhile since I'm about to have my bachelorette party and then my wedding. When I get to his house, I notice that his car is not home so he must still be at the station. After parking my car, I make my way in and to Bella's room. I knock on her door and then go inside. "Hey, Bella. Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat." Instead of answered yes, no or just plain out ignoring me, she starts blaming me.

"It's your fault."

"What's my fault?"

"IT'S YOUR FAULT THAT HE'S GONE!" All I could do was look at her shocked and speechless. "IF YOU WOULD'VE JUST TOLD HIM WHAT YOU WERE, HE WOULDN'T HAVE LEFT!" When she said that, it snapped me out of my shocked expression.

"HOW IS THIS MY FAULT?!?! WHAT IN THE FUCK HAPPENED ON YOUR BIRTHDAY?!?! WHAT HAPPENED TO MAKE HIM LEAVE TOWN?!?!" That seemed to make her shut up because she didn't say anything after that. "I came to check on you to see if you were okay, but instead you want to mope around and put blame where it's not needed." She continued to stay silent so I turned around and started to walk out the door. Before I closed it, I stopped and said, "You are still invited to the wedding of you wanted to come." If I saw her, then I saw her. If I didn't, then I didn't. With that being said, I closed her bedroom door and left the house. I called dad down at the station and told him what happened.

"I'll try to get Bella to come to the wedding, but no promises."

"That's fine, but don't force her either. I don't want her to be somewhere that she doesn't want to be at."

"Okay." After I got off the phone with my dad, I headed to go get Kim and Emily so we can get my bachelorette party started.

---- THE NEXT DAY ----

"TIME TO GET UP DODIE!" Kim screamed in my ear.

"I'm up! I'm up! Geez!" I said. "You're lucky that you are the Maid of Honor or I would have punched you in the face." We just stared at each other when I said that and then we started laughing. She knows I would never punch her. We all start getting ready for the wedding. Kim does my makeup and Emily does my hair. Kim told me since I'm the bride, I shouldn't be doing anything except sitting here and looking pretty but I could tell she needed help with her hair. Emily wasn't in here because she had to meet Sam outside, who was bringing my wedding dress to me. After a few choice words swapped back and forth between me and Kim, she let me help her with her hair. When Emily got back with the dress, we started discussing the something new, old, borrowed and blue for me to wear. "Well, I'll be wearing the dress, which is new. The garter will be blue so that is taken care of also. I just need something old and borrowed."

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