Chapter 3: Guarding Bella & Story Telling

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We are meeting up with the Cullens because there was an intruder in dad's house. A vampire to be exact. No one didn't want me going because of how pregnant I am, but I fought them on it. I needed to check on dad to make sure nothing happened to him. Paul finally gave in, but he said I had to be near him or Jared the entire time. No questions and I said okay. I managed to convince them to let Stiles come and he can help protect me with his baseball bat. Paul just gave me a pointed look when I told him that. When we got to dad's house, Edward and Carlisle were already there waiting for us and Bella of course standing next to Edward. Paul, Stiles and I drove in a car while the others ran in wolf form. Sam made Seth stay at home since he was still young and didn't want him out fighting just yet. We got there right as the others were coming out of the woods, already shifted back. Sam was the first one to speak up. "What is this meeting all about?"

"We came to ask Dodie for help since she is a witch and could possibly have some kind of spell to end this once and for all." I knew Bella would have told him and now look where that is getting me. I decided to make it into a game since they want me to take care of all of it.

"You want my help? Okay." I say. Bella and Edward have hope in their eyes and excitememt. They honestly think that I'm gonna conjure up some spell to end this shit once and for all they. As if I already haven't thought of that. Jackasses. The pack and Stiles all looked at me and started shaking their heads. They knew where I was going with this. They knew that I've tried many different ways to end all of this, but couldn't come up with anything. It sucks big time. "Alright, here it goes." I start to raise my hands and Edward pulled Bella behind him. "Bippity boppity boo! Everything shall disappear!" I tried to keep a straight face but everyone but Edward and Bella were laughing. Heck, even Carlisle was laughing a little bit.

"I'm being serious here Dodie!" Edward shouts.

"I am too. Besides, just in case you haven't came to the conclusion yet, what you're asking for is not how magic works. You need to learn your history on witches. Geez!"

"Okay, since obviously Dodie can't do anything, can you help us keep Bella safe by taking turns watching over her house to make sure the intruder doesn't come back?" Is he seriously not going to include Charlie in on this? I better let him know that this world does not revolve around him and Bella.

"Don't forget about my dad you asswipe!" He snapped his head head toward me and just glared. He opened his mouth and started to say something, but Paul quickly growled at him and Stiles got in front of me, aiming the baseball bat at him. Edward kept his mouth shout and looked back at Sam.

"Let me talk about it real quick with the pack. We make these decisions together and look at every outcome in the situation," Sam says and Edward just nodded his head in understanding. Before the Quileutes turned to get a bit of distance away from everybody so they could talk, Bella decided to open her big mouth.

"They won't have a problem taking guard. They probably sit around and - " She was cut off by me punching her again. I heard a crunch and it was confirmed that I broke it when she started screaming at me that it was broken again. Jacob asked me what the hell my problem was and Edward looked like he was about to kill me. I just ignored them both and started in on Bella.


"I am thankful - " I cut her off again.

"Bullshit! If you were thankful, then you would be asking for help instead of thinking that they just sit around and don't do anything." When she didn't speak, I just continued on. "If it wasn't for the pack, there would be tons of vampires roaming around in Forks and La Push with hundreds of lives lost. If it wasn't for the pack, you would have been found dead in the middle of the woods because your bloodsucking boyfriend thought it would be a good idea to leave you there after breaking your heart. If it wasn't for the pack, then you would have been killed by that leech with the dreads in the meadow because you wanted to wander off and explore. If it wasn't for the pack, you wouldn't have survived the jump from the cliffs because you wanted to be reckless and stupid WHILE IT WAS STORMING!" I was seething in anger as I continued, but I wasn't finished just yet. "The pack has been working their asses off trying to kill leeches and working long patrols to make sure that the people were safe. They are constantly tired and hoping that the leech holds off for one day just so they can get some sleep in. If anything, they should be taking a break from all of this catastrophe that you and Edwardo keeps bringing." Edward and Bella just looked down at their feet and the pack looked at me with a proud look on their faces. What? Everything was true in what I said. They deserved a break.

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