Chapter 4: Bella's Graduation, Game Night & New Born Army

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Today Bella graduates highschool and dad wants me to be there. Afterwards the Cullens are having a graduation party at their house. I'll go to the graduation, but not the party. I've had enough of them that could last me three life times. I asked Paul to come with me, but he just so happens to have patrol. Coincidence? I think not. Asshole. I asked Stiles and he agreed. See there is a true friend right there. Maybe I will name my child after him if it is a boy. I just won't let anyone know that, but knowing Stiles he will rub it in Jared's face if he found out.


Bella has just graduated and dad is trying to locate her in the crowd. I think her friend, Jennifer? or is it Jessica?, did a pretty good speech. I located Bella first and told dad where she was at. Stiles and I just followed until we caught up with him. Dad wanted to take pictures so she can put some in her photo album. I don't know how many pictures I took and yes I had to get in some pictures also even though I thought it was going to kill me. When we finally got done taking pictures, Stiles and I started to head back to the cars before Bella stopped us.

"Hey, the Cullens are throwing a graduation party tonight at their house. Come out." I'm not going to no graduation party especially the bloodsucker's house.

"No thanks. I have plans with the pack. Besides I will never be around them so stop trying to force them on me." Bella looks hurt that I said that. She wants us to be friends real bad, but I know her real intentions. She thinks that if I'm friends with them, then I will help them get rid of their problem for them.

"I don't see why you won't help us." Is she for real right now?

"I belong with the pack and the pack only. I don't help the dead." After I said that, Stiles just laughed and Edward gave me an angry look. Bella just stood there looking all awkward like she no longer wanted to be there. "Are we done here? Stiles and I got to get back to the pack house. Everyone is waiting on us." When nobody said anything, we went on our way.


Jacob was invited to the graduation party and decided to take Embry and Quil with him. You would think he would be uninvited when Bella punched him after he kissed her. He'll never get the hint though. His head is too far up her ass and he won't listen to what anyone has to say. While they went to the party, the rest of us stayed at Emily's house and started playing games. We just started playing a question game and it's Stiles turn. We all take turns asking any question we wanted and the rest of us got to answer. The question Stiles asks takes everyone besides Kim, Emily and I by surprise.

"What movie best describes your sex life?"

Without skipping a beat, I quickly say, "The boat scene in 365 Days." Everyone was silent and the girls looked at me with a smile on their face while the guys looked at me with a questioning look. "What?"

Jared finally pipes up, "What is 365 Days?" The girls and I just start laughing. The guys continue to look at all of us girls all confused.

"You don't want to know," Leah says. The guys started arguing with us because they are wanting to know.

"You really want to know?" Emily asks. All of them said yes. "Okay." She went to go get up before I stopped her.

"Don't get it."

"Why?" She asked me.

"If they want to see it, it's best that we don't watch it together. It will just be plain out awkward. Let's just watch it with them by ourselves and see what they think. Besides, we all have our own copy of the movie," I say and the girls agreed while the guys protested. We had to convince the guys that it was best to not watch it together because it would be just weird. They finally gave in and left it at that. I leaned over to whisper to Paul.

"We can watch the movie when we get home."

"Okay because I am curious why you compared our sex life to this movie." We continued asking each other questions and having fun until Jacob, Embry and Quil came walking through the door with a serious look on his face. Sam looked at them for a moment before asking them anything.

"What's wrong?" Jacob spoke up first.

"There's a newborn army of vampires coming to Forks after Bella. According to Alice's vision, they were passing around a red blouse that had her scent on it. I told them that we would fight." I blew up when he said that.

"Really Jacob? You are not the alpha of this pack! You should've told them that you would take it up with Sam first. You can't just make the decision for him because of your obsession with Bella. Stop being so blinded when it comes to her." He just looked at me and then ended up ignoring me.

"She's right Jacob. You should've spoken with me first. When are they going to be here?" Sam asks.

"They are going to be here in one month," Jacob says. That means I will be 7 months along. Great! "They said that one leech has experience with new borns and they will be training on how to defeat them. The doctor leech said that we are more than welcome to join if we wanted to. They gave me a time and place just in case we wanted to come." It was quiet for a moment and then Sam agreed. Jacob then smiled because he was getting his way of things.

I decided to ruin things once again for him, "Lose the smile Jacob. He's not doing it for the leeches or Bella. He's doing it because their coven is not large enough to fight them all off from letting them get into the town of Forks ot La Push. Besides, they won't even know about the wolves. They will be taken by surprise." I rolled my eyes at him and Jacob just scoffed. He opened up his mouth to say something, but I put up my hand quieting him. "If you're not going to say you're sorry, something I still haven't received from the baby comment you made to Paul, then I don't want to hear anything else coming out of your mouth." He left it at that. After Sam got the time and place for the training from Jacob, we all left to go home.

I kept my promise to Paul and we watched 365 Days. He had some things to say about it. "Let me get this straight. This Italian Mafia dude kidnapped her because she apparently "saved" him from death and he is only going to hold her captive for one year to see if she falls in live with him. If she doesn't fall in love, then he will let her go? None of this makes any sense. Who in the hell falls in love with their kidnapper?"

"Belle fell in love with the beast." Paul gave me a blank look.

"That's different."

"How's that different?"

"Look babe. She took her father's place as a prisoner because he was sick and didn't want him dying. As she was kept "prisoner," he let her roam the majority of the castle and practically did what he could to make her happy. He kept her warm, had extra clothes, fed her and some other things. Yes at first it was a rocky start because of her fighting him, but eventually they warmed up to each other and they ended up falling in love with each other. But because he was in love with her, he let her go free. He didn't care if he stayed a beast once the last petal on the rose dropped. He protected her from Gaston and the villagers while also fighting for his life when they stormed the castle. They ended up happily ever after. She made him human again." I looked at him speechless, but he continued. "This movie though is - " I finally cut him off.

"This movie is almost exactly the same as Beauty and the Beast. Only differences are is that in 365 Days he was obsessed with the girl, not in love. He kept her prisoner because he hoped that she falls in love. Even if she did fall in love with him, he wasn't going to let her go like the beast did with Belle. Laura fell in love with Massimo because she finally realized the lengths that he would go to for her and all of that sweet bullshit talk he said that made her fall for it. Belle just had her father to worry about and helped in with building things. Laura was with a stupid guy that didn't know how to pleasure her needs and ended up having to do everything herself. But because she was with someone, Massimo drugged him and got him to cheat on her so he could show her the proof with pictures." This time Paul looked at me speechless. I just gave him a knowing look.

"Anyways, now I understand why you girls laughed and I do agree about the boat scene being similar to our sex life. I'm also going to show you exactly which parts that I loved most." He kept his word and we ended up doing things similar to the boat scene.

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