Chapter 19

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Oh my god. What is wrong with me? Why am I so awkward?!

I frantically brush my hair and touch up my makeup in the mirror. The last thing I want is for Jillian to show up while I've got sex hair. I've never been able to keep secrets from her, and I know she's going to want details and ask what it means and... frack, I don't even know what it means.

What does it mean when you have a crush on a guy, get along great with him, then have the best sex of your life with him, then he gives you another "I'm not your boyfriend speech" and your sister is coming by to pick up 12 boxes of pineapple buns so you kick him out of your house in a panic?

Is there a word for that? Because I feel like 'it's complicated' really doesn't cover it.

And the sex really was freaking incredible. It's not just that I had more orgasms than I've ever had—which I did—but they felt like they went on for days. And his body was a work of art; covered in those black lines and patterns. And he was so dominant and intense and... wow.

I'm in so much trouble.

My doorbell rings and I run to answer, doing my best to smooth out my clothing before I open the door.

"Hey!" Alex greets with a friendly smile.

"Hey, come in," I say, welcoming him inside. "Where's Jillian?"

I'm kind of relieved he didn't bring Jillian, as she's always seen right through me. Alex and Jillian started dating when they were in high school, so I basically grew up with him. He was basically the older brother I never had, but cooler, since we weren't actually related.

"Oh she's downstairs in the car. She wore these ridiculous heels for the party tonight so I told her I'd just come up to pick up the buns. Thanks again for letting us leave them with you. Bringing them back to our place then back across town would've been a hassle."

"No problem." I do my best to sound cool, calm, and collected.

Alex walks over to the stack of boxes and almost trips, but catches himself with a hand on the counter.

"Whoa," he says, standing back up. "That was close."

We both look down and realize he slipped on a sock.

Frack. Declan's sock.

"Oh uh..."

Don't panic. It's just a sock. It could be your sock. He doesn't suspect anything.

"Are you okay, Bree?"

Frack. You're making it weird. Say something. Act natural.

"I slept with Declan!" I practically shout the words.

His eyebrows shoot up and he freezes, looking at me like a deer in the headlights. I cover my mouth with my hand, like somehow that will help now.

"Um, wow, okay. Uh... who's Declan?"

I break out into laughter and bury my face in my hands. Apparently I'm on a mission to look as unhinged as possible.

"I'm sorry, I'm freaking out a little bit and I panicked."

"It's okay," Alex says with a shrug. "Is Declan your tattooed friend who came to visit the other day?"


"Don't worry, I won't tell Jillian if you don't want me to. It's against brother-in-law code and all." He smirks.

"Thank you."

Arrow to the Heart: A Dark Cupid RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now