Chapter 34

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My head falls back in exhausted bliss. We're both panting hard, our heavy breaths fogging the cool night air. Dec mumbles a string of curses with his head buried in the crook of my neck. Dec keeps me pinned to the side of the building, my legs still locked around his hips.

As the sex haze clears, Dec's words come back to me in a barrage.

"You should be my girl, Bree."

"I want this. You and me. Only me."

He looked so intense, so certain.

Did he really mean it? Was he just caught up in the moment?

Declan Saint-James doesn't do relationships. He's not even supposed to date at all.

So what the heck does it mean when he says something like that?

"Bree fucking Logan," he says with a slight chuckle. "You do not need flirting lessons."

We both start laughing and he pulls his head up to meet my gaze.

My eyes have adjusted to the dark enough that I can see his playful expression. Dec normally has that serious, brooding thing going on and it absolutely works for him, but he may be even more handsome like this—happy, carefree.

He pulls out as I unwrap my legs from his waist., then gently lowers me to the ground. I adjust my dress and he refastens his pants.

"Did you drive?" he asks, resting his hands on my hips.

"Oh, no, I got a rideshare."

"I'd offer you a ride, but I think I'm still a little buzzed from my drink earlier. I'm gonna have to wait around for it to wear off."

"Oh that's okay."

"You know what..." He narrows his eyes for a moment like he's deep in thought. "You wanna drive us home?"

"I uh... oh. Drive your car?"


"Are you sure?" I ask. "I mean, I'm a safe driver and all but, I know people can be kind of sensitive about their cars."

"I trust you, Kitten." He smirks and gives me a playful spank before taking me by the hand and leading me down the alley. "I'm parked the next block over."

I follow him along, his earlier words still bouncing around my head like a pinball.

Did Declan ask me to be his girlfriend?

"You're uncharacteristically quiet," he says as we walk.

"Oh just... thinking about... stuff."

He chuckles.


He slows as we approach a car parked along the street.

Wait... No way.

"This... This is your car?" I ask.

I've seen this car before in the parking garage of our building. It always seems out of place in our garage because it's one of those sleek, sharp-edged sports cars that looks like it costs more than anyone in our building makes in a year. I've never been much of a car person, but I've always thought it was really unique because it's not shiny like most cars. Instead, it has this matte black finish that reminds me of raw, unpolished slate.

"Yep," he says with a smirk. "Don't think you can handle it?"

With the press of a button on his keys, he unlocks the car and its lights flicker on. He tosses me the keys and I barely react in time to catch them.

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