Chapter 12 - Truth Revealed

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Lily Potter had no other choice, if she wants to earn forgiveness, she decided that she needs to do an inheritance test at Gringotts, as them as went to Diagon Alley as them she hid her appearance as she doesn't want to talk to reporters as this was happening every time she entered the alley.

She eventually entered Gringotts and approached Griphook, as them she said. "Excuse me, I want to do an inheritance test." this took Griphook attention. "Finally, we have been waiting for you, but it seems that the other are not here with you." said the goblin.

"You mean James and Sirius, right." said Lily as the goblin nodded. "Yes, we sent them letters to do those test, but they ignored us, we just want to find out why exactly." said Griphook as them he prepared the bowl. "Lady Potter, 7 drops of blood is required." as them Lily did what was required, as with the goblin magic, as the Goblin gave her the results as she opened it she was shocked to see the truth,

Inheritance Result for Lily Potter nee Evans

Name - Lily Jasmine Potter nee Evans
Parents - William Richard Evans and Daisy Rose Evans nee Wilson (Both Killed by Albus Dumbledore
Siblings - Petunia Dursley nee Evans (Older Sister), Leanne Evans (Template/Twin Sister)
Children - Harry James Peverell (Lord Peverell) Son, Rose Lillian Celeste (Lady Celeste) Daughter, Michael Sirius Potter, Son

Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter (By Marriage)
Descendant of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Thornwood, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Celeste and Stuart

Blocks and Compulsions

All Blocks and Compulsions are placed by Albus Dumbledore, (All Broken)

Lily was in shock, she cannot believe it what she is seeing. "Griphook, is this all true, the results." she asked him as Griphook said. "the inheritance test doesn't lie, we goblins hate people that lie to us, now you realise the truth, now you see Dumbledore's true image, he had planned everything for a very long time, we goblin watched as he made Britain as his little playground, now that Lord Peverell and Lady Celeste are now repair the damage that he had caused."

Lily them took a deep breath as this was so much for her to handle. "I can't believe it, my parents, he killed them, he lied to me about what happened." she said as them Griphook looked at her. "Yes, Dumbledore doesn't care for anyone, he used his power and influence to gain what he wants, we goblins knew about this, we had no choice but to ban him after what happened." he explained.

"Now I know the truth, I will take my leave, Dumbledore will pay for what he has done to me." said Lily as them she left Gringotts she went to the café and read the results one more time to see all the blocks and compulsions.

As them she heard the voice again in her head. 'You now see the truth that I been trying to tell you.' she said as them Lily them realised who she is. 'You are Leanne, you are the one who's been trying to help me.' she thought as Leanne replied. 'Yes, Dumbledore cannot be trusted, don't worry we meet in person and you be for surprise when you see me, like I said, I am you.'

The communication ended as Lily had to try to earn forgiveness, she knew that it will be difficult but she will try, as she returned to the Potter Manor, she saw her son, Michael, playing with Ronald and Neville, as she observed them but she knew something wasn't right with Ronald, there was something wrong with two Weasleys, Molly and Ronald, but them she decided to read more of Rose's journal to find something about the behaviour of those two, as she read nearly all of journal, she had discovered another section that she missed.

24 June 1985,

Two days ago, I had the worst day here, that red haired brat of the Weasley, had bullied me and called me, mean words, we cant do anything about it, as Dad always sided with them, he never listened to our point of view, what kind of father ignores and neglects two of his children, I wish this nightmare would end, I wish everyone was back to normal, Harry was there to calm me down but I knew one thing, that brat only cares about fame and money.

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