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In the books and according to everyone else, Jade and Alexia almost fought over several misunderstandings. But with the confidence with which Alexia speaks, I'm unsure if that's true.

The way Alexia tells it, she and Jade had several disagreements until everyone decided it was best to keep them apart, before one big blow up that sounds like assault on her part. Not wanting to miss a thing, I grab my equipment and press record as I sit down beside Alexia and ask, "You're saying you attacked Jade?"

"Yeah?" She holds a laugh and shrugs. "I'm not bragging. It's actually very embarrassing how violent I was back then, but it wasn't because I was jealous. To Lucca, I was the perfect woman. Everything he loved about them jammed into one person. Hana's eyes and her commitment to her values. Simone's magnetic presence and–"

Alexia looks down at her shapely frame. Exposing a toned thigh as she extends her long legs.

"Our similar bodies," She continues. "Jade's commanding personality and charming smile," She says flashing her pearly white teeth. "And Mila's curls and creativity."

Her hands stretched out as if moving things around, Alexia holds no punches as she says Lucca's previous lovers were all just Blueprints to his desires while she was the grand design. She debunks Simone's assertion that she didn't trust her from the moment they had met. Going further to say there was a time when she, Simone and Hana were shopping buddies.

"I introduced her to her label manager," Alexia scoffs. "She didn't tell you that. Just what would make her girlfriend feel better because, deep down, they all know Lucca settled for her."

"That is a big claim." I know Simone's fans will eat me alive if I don't push back. Sternly reminding Alexia, "Simone Ruiz is one of the biggest names in the industry."

"And?" Alexia smirks.

"And if what you say is true, that would mean not only did you make her. But she and Lucca are only together because, and correct me if I'm wrong. You feel like you allowed it."

"You're wrong," Alexia quickly replies. "I didn't make her. Simone was making music before we had ever met. She was a local artist and people loved her. And the Beverly's loved my dad. I was listening to her music while at some event and Theo had a thing for curating artists. Like me, he wanted a name outside his family, so yeah–and as for Lucca. Well, that's complicated."

"Then let's unpack it," I push, not wanting to let this scoop go.

Maybe this can be my thing. I know enough celebs now. I can switch from behind the book to behind the person? It's two birds with one stone.

"That's a lot to unpack," Alexia smiles down at her lap. "I'm not saying Lucca doesn't love Simone. She was his first real girlfriend. Next to Mila, I don't think there's anyone else in the world who has a connection with him like she does but they're not soulmates. She doesn't love him the way she loves Hana. He knew it. She knew it. It was fine until me."

In Alexia's opinion, Simone doesn't just like the admiration of the masses. She needs it from her lovers. She didn't mind sharing Hana with Lucca, because she knew they would never love each other more than they loved her. And while Lucca always claimed that he loved his girlfriends the same, there was a hierarchy with Simone at the top.

Alexia asserts that it wasn't about power. It was about where they all rested in Lucca's life. To the outside, looking in, Jade, who was the oldest and most experienced in the polycule, was in charge because Lucca submitted to her and the rest to him.

This, Alexia says, was okay for Simone because she was his only Queen. The only woman among them that Lucca worshiped without comparison. His equal was Hana. Mila is confident.

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