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My notepad in front of me, I sit at the desk beside my bed unable to concentrate as I tap my pen to the page thinking about my last conversation with Alexia. Could I even post that? Should I? I don't care about the careers of the men who used Alexia, but I don't think she recognizes what happened to her. Knowing this could I really put it out to the world or should I just...

My hand hovers over the mouse pad as the recording uploads to my computer. Ninety-nine percent. I could just cancel it. Delete it. It's not actually a part of the story. Not this one anyway and it wasn't like she was sober when she said it.

Do I really want to be another person to take advantage of Alexia Fairchild for my own personal gain? Is this taking advantage of her, or am I just doing my job?

Either way, I feel like I came here prejudging Alexia. Owen told me I was too close to the story to see the bigger picture and maybe he was right. Maybe he wasn't protecting his sister with Honor's character. She was flawed and abused in the stories too. Maybe Owen just knows his sisters in ways not even Alexia knows herself.

A frustrated breath puffing from my mouth, I watch as the file stores itself away before deciding I'll do both. Keep the file to myself and give Alexia her fair shake.

I lean forward to speak into my recording equipment resting on the desk. This journey isn't just about Lucca and Alexia's love story. It's about me too. About being a serious journalist, and to do that, I have to lead with facts and not personal feelings I formed due to interpersonal relationships.

I realize I haven't given Alexia a fair shake. As much as I hate to admit it, Owen was right in the regard that I am too close to the story. Too close to Lucca and it's given me a biased view of Alexia.

That's not fair to her. So I have decided to start from the beginning.

"When speaking to Alexia Fairchild this afternoon, I've found that her version of certain events strayed from that of previous seasons," I note. "I have decided to be fair to Alexia and her truth. I must present her side of the story unfiltered. Pulling from Lucca's side only when needed so that you, the listener, have what feels like an honest account."

From the moment he laid eyes on her, Lucca was overtaken by Alexia's beauty. Her upturned mahogany eyes, her flawless cinnamon brown skin, the way her frilly dress and dark beautiful curls gave her an air of innocence, paired with full, inviting lips that curved into a vivacious smile.

Though Lucca couldn't place what it was about her that felt familiar to him, Alexia had an itemized list of features she held that reminded Lucca of his then girlfriends, Simone Ruiz, Jade O'Connor, Hana Nguyen, and Mila Reynolds, who he had entered into separate and at times intersecting polyamorous relationships, in that order. At twenty-four, Lucca and his polycule had developed their own rules to engagement, and though he was allowed passionate tryst if the moment arised, it was Lucca's personal regulation he did not kiss women he was not seriously dating.

"You want me to what?" Lucca smirked down at the bombshell in front of him, attempting to place Alexia's unique accent for himself.

Alexia did her best to ignore as Lucca's classmates teased him. Her eyes cutting at one of the young men as he jumped on Lucca's back and questioned how Lucca had so many gorgeous women falling at his feet.

"I have a lot of pride," Alexia declared this afternoon through a gust of smoke. "I can play the game. But back then, I can never hold it in when someone thinks they have something over me"

Without hesitation, Alexia assured she wasn't throwing herself at Lucca. Her sharp glare appealed to him as she declared, "He's not my type."

"Is that right?" Lucca crossed his arms, more amused than insulted.

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