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As promised, when Riyana walked over to the rows of chairs the chair next to Clemensia remained empty. Riyana took the a seat silently and began fiddling with the ends of her shawl. The hall seemed so alive with chatter and she found it ironic; these people were full of life at the demise of another. She did not want to know who she would get. She knew that whoever she would be assigned would be sentenced to death the moment her name became connected to hers. She did not have the qualifications to teach a child to survive. Most of the top students at the Acedemy had never had to learn to prepare themselves food, how would any of them teach them how to use sharper knives to cut through another person?

Dean Casca Highbottom, the man behind the idea of the hunger games, shoved an empty vile into his pocket. He stared at the audience dreamy eyed and dazed- High on morphling Riyana was sure. He waved a crinkled paper in the air, and the chatter came to a close. Students, reporters, and spectators alike leaned forward in the seats.

"Ill read this off now. Say a name and who got them, you get it." He announced.

Livia Cardew had gotten district one boy. She had thrown a fist into the air and squealed out in victory. Tactful. Plymra Monty had been asigned the disctic two girl, she simply nodded her head once in acknowledgment. District two boy went to Sejanus Plinth. Sejanus did not show enthusiasm in his score. Riyana would receive the district two girl. The list contuined all the way to district twelve girl, she would belong to Coriolanus Snow.

Students then arose and began to converse with one another. Riyana stayed seated, racking her brain with what district two girl would mean for her mentoring. She was sure her girl would be strong at least, district two was known for producing promising tributes. She figured the boy would be stronger than, the girl would have to beat him with wit. Riyana felt like the stupidest girl in the world at that moment, she would have knowledge to give to the girl. The girl would die and it would be because she had not listened more in class, because she spent Saturday nights with Clemensia or Lysistrata instead of studying.

Coriolanus' voice from the row in front of her snapped her out of her thoughts. Coriolanus had leaned into sejanus with furrowed brows, "What is it? Aren't you happy? District two, the boy- that's the pick of the liter."

Sejanus' voice was hoarse when he answered, "You forget, I'm part of that liter."

Riyana looked towards Clemensia to start a conversation but she was already talking to Felix in the back row. She turned towards her right to see how Lysistrata felt about district twelve boy, but Lysistrata had sat staring up at the ceiling breathing out through parted lips- Riyana did not think she should interrupt. She sat silently until curtains parted at the back of the dais, exposing a floor to ceiling screen.

The students all rose as the seal of panem filled the screen, following by the Capital Anthem. It was only three verses

Gem of Panem
Might city
Through the ages, you shine anew

The length did not stop most student more mumbling or scrambling their brains for the correct words. Except for Coriolanus Snow, always desperate for approval. He sang the words with a forceful voice, being the only student to gain nods of approval. Most students did not mind, his need to show off made it easier to hide their lack of effort.

The deal dissolved to reveal an older man in a prewar military uniform- President Ravinstill. He recited a passage from the Treaty of Treason. A short explanation of how the games were infact excused on behalf of war reparations. New young lives for the young capital lives lost.

The cameras cut to a bleak square. They would start with district 12 and go backwards. The mayor took a step towards the microphone and unraveled a paper, barely sparing it a glance before calling out, "The girl is Lucy Gray Baird."

The cameras turned and zoomed into a group of girls backing away. It was almost as they thought being near the chosen one might cause them to switch places, like the reaping was a contagious disease. It took a few seconds before the unlucky chosen one could be seen.

Even Riyana blinked in suprise at the girl on the screen. Surrounding by colors of brown and gray fabric, a girl stood in a rainbow ruffled dress. Wildflowers laced her hair and hair lipstick was bright on her thinned lips. The cameras followed the girl as she weaved through the crowd. Riyana blinked and was sure the stream had glitched and missed a scene. In just a second she had went from walking peacefully to a red headed smirking girl collapsing and screaming in her trail.

Heavens bee haul erupted in chatter and speculation. The cameras stayed on the Mayors daughter as a snake was pulled out of her blouse and turned back towards the tribute just intime to see her on stage mid bow. Riyana flinched when the Mayor retook the stage and smacked the tribute across the face.

And then off camera a small voice began to sing. And another joined in. Lucy Gray smiled and joined. She had excessently been sentenced to death and she was making a performance of it.

Clemensia leaned in to whisper in Riyana's ear. "Who does she think she is? A circus performer?"

Riyana did not answer. The situation was making her uncomfortable, but Lucy Gray's presence was catching, and she could not look away. She had taken over the entire stage by the time so finished, physically and metaphorically. After she had finished she had waved into the camera. The hall sat quiently for a few seconds before erupting at its loudest all day. It was clear, Coriolanus had won the prize.

No other tribute was of much note. Riyana felt grateful when Sabyn was chosen for district two. She was a muscular girl, far from the sickly girl from district eleven. She had immediately felt guilty for feeling lucky, she was either grateful that she girl would live long to kill twenty three others or the girl would die. There was nothing to celebrate.

As the reaping drew to a close the smell of the buffet began to flood the student's nostrils. The smell of onions wafted through the hall and Riyana felt sick. She knew she should attempt to eat, she had avoided breakfast that morning. Despite this, Riyana had never felt less hungry in her life.

She followed Lysistrata to the line and grabbed an Academy embossed plate. She grabbed a napkin and silverware and walked passed most of the food. By the time she left the buffet area to find a table all that was on her plate was a singular roll and a pat of butter. Lysistrata sat across from her, a plate resembling her own. They pair did not speak a word. Sejanus sat down just a foot away at the table and Lysistrata smiled sympathetically at him, but still a word was not spoken.

 Corruption of Ambition | Sejanus PlinthWhere stories live. Discover now