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The three students had met back up and were walking together towards the zoo in silence. The sun was beginning to set, casting an orange glow over the horizon. Riyana had been told that the visiting hours had been extended to nine pm; Coriolanus had made it a big hit.

"Here, switch with me." Sejanus said, being the first one to break the silence since the original greetings almost a mile back.

Riyana and Lysistrata both looked over at him confused. Sejanus took the pack of water bottles out of her hands and gave her the much lighter sandwich bag. Riyana just sent him a small smile in response and they continued walking again.

"Do you think Clemensia will come next time? I know you two are close, maybe you could convince her." Lysistrata asked.

Riyana thought for just a moment before shaking her head, "No, not unless the cameras are rolling. She doesn't exactly think of the district kids as well, human."

Riyana saw Sejanus lose his footing for just a moment before falling back into step like it never happened. These past few days had been a reminder of why she never attempted to befriend Sejanus before this. She really did not mean to, but it just seemed everything she said would upset him. She knew his responses were valid, but when everyone in the capital talked one way it became hard to learn to talk another.

"I'm sorry." Riyana said under her breath.

"It's fine." Sejanus sniffed.

When the group finally made it to the zoo they had to weave through a large crowd. Families, children, and other students alike had come to visit. Many were only here to see the infamous Lucy Gray, but her attention was only on Coriolanus Snow. Sejanus lowered the water bottles from his shoulder and placed them on the ground near the fence.

"So how do we-"

"Sabyn!" Riyana called out to the entire group of tributes.

A girl in the back looked over at her direction and Riyana flinched. The girl's hair was knotted and dirk and blood stained her chin. Riyana cleared her throat and stood up straight.

"If you are hungry, we brought food." Riyana told her.

Sabyn hesisted and glanced at the boy sitting next to her, Marcus, he did not acknowledge the three students. After a couple glances between Marcus and Riyana, Sabyn walked over slowly.

"Who are you?" Sabyn asked, appearing to size her up.

Riyana resisted the urge to take a step back and held up her hand, putting in slightly past the bars.

"I'm Riyana Pelides, your mentor."

Sabyn did not offer a hand for a shake so Riyana awkwardly put hers down. Sabyn turned her head and looked at the sandwiches Sejanus was pulling out of his bag. Sejanus noticed and handed Riyana one.

"Oh here here. We have some water and cookies too." Riyana said, handing them over to Sabyn.

Sabyn took them from her and turned back to look at Coriolanus. "So you're like blondie over there, huh?"

"I will be your mentor as he is for Lucy Gray, yes."

Sabyn nodded and took a large bite from the sandwich. "How come you didn't come to the train station then?"

"We weren't allowed. He is in trouble for that." Riyana explained.

Sabyn took another bite and then wiped the sauce off her lips with the back of her hand. Riyana grabbed a water bottle and handed it to her. In the background they could hear the sound of Sejanu' trying desperately to get Marcus' attention but his tribute would not budge.

 Corruption of Ambition | Sejanus PlinthWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt