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Shrieks pierced the air, emanating from those closest to Arachne as she dropped her sandwich and frantically clawed at her neck. Riyana sat frozen in place, her heart pounding in her chest as she witnessed the harrowing scene unfolding before her. Arachne turned towards the onlookers, her hand stained with blood outstretched in a desperate plea for assistance. A collective gasp rippled through the crowd as they watched in paralyzed horror, their eyes fixed on the tragic spectacle before them. With a heartbreaking thud, Arachne sank to her knees, the crimson tide flowing from her wounds as she began to fade away before their eyes.

Coriolanus was the first to spring into action, his movements swift and urgent, though the grim reality of the situation was already apparent. He leaped to his feet and dashed over to Arachne, calling out for a medic in a desperate attempt to save her. Riyana stood transfixed, her eyes locked on the unfolding tragedy, a sense of helplessness gripping her as a pool of blood steadily accumulated around Arachne's fallen form. As the chaos continued to unfold, Riyana felt a forceful tug on her arm, pulling her away from the cages. Startled, she turned, fully expecting to see a peacekeeper looming over her. Instead, it was Sejanus who stood before her.

"Don't look." He said quietly.

Sejanus swiftly turned Riyana towards him, enfolding her in a protective embrace against his chest. With a trembling hand placed on the back of her head, she could feel the intensity of his emotions reverberating through him. The sound of a gunshot echoed through the air, followed by the sickening thud of a body colliding with the metal gates nearby. Riyana's heart raced in her chest as she sensed the unease in Sejanus's breath, but he held her firmly, refusing to let her go despite the uproar unfolding around them.

The crowd erupted into chaos, a palpable sense of fear rippling through the air as people frantically sought to escape the unfolding disaster. Despite her instincts urging her to flee, Riyana hesitated, her gaze drawn to the haunting scene in front of her. Arachne's lifeless body lay still and silent, all too similar to the motionless form of her fallen tribute just a short distance away. A pool of blood pooled between them. The cacophony of panicked voices filled the air, but it was the overpowering stench that truly assailed her senses. The metallic tang of blood mixed with a sickly sweet aroma, causing her to gag and bite down on her hand to suppress the rising bile in her throat. Sensing her distress, Sejanus swiftly positioned himself in front of her, shielding her from the gruesome sight and gently cradling her face in his hands, offering a moment of solace amidst the frenzy.

"Go back to the entrance." He told her.

Riyana nodded in acknowledgment, her mind still reeling from the harrowing events she had just witnessed. Joining the throng of spectators who were fleeing towards the exit, she could hear the cacophony of sobs and children's screams echoing around her, but she was too stunned to fully process the chaos unfolding around her.
Emerging onto the street, Riyana's eyes scanned the crowd until she spotted Clemensia amidst the commotion.

Riyana and Clemensia stood in silence, neither knowing quite what to say. Though they had once been acquainted, Riyana and Arachne had drifted apart over time, as Arachne's behavior grew more abrasive and disdainful. Riyana couldn't shake the memories of Arachne's tendency to belittle others and make cutting remarks, particularly towards those she deemed beneath her social standing. Despite the horror of the situation, a fleeting thought crossed her mind - a momentary flicker of belief that perhaps Arachne had brought this fate upon herself with her own actions.

As Coriolanus drew near, the metallic tang of blood filled Riyana's senses, triggering a flood of guilt that surged through her chest. In her mind's eye, Riyana saw a younger Arachne at various stages of their shared history - from the innocent childhood days of blowing out birthday candles together, to the somber moment of mourning at her mother's funeral, to the carefree antics of teenage sleepovers- each fleeting memory ending the same, Arachne collapsing to her knees clawing at her ruptured throat.

 Corruption of Ambition | Sejanus PlinthWhere stories live. Discover now