Twenty two

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Riyana groaned and rolled over burying her face into the sheets. She felt her shoulder being shook again and rolled over squinting her eyes open. Her breath hitched and she flinched seeing someone standing over her.

"Sorry." Sejanus laughed. "Didn't mean to scare you, it's just, I gotta go do something with my pa."

Riyana brought a hand to her eyes and tried to rub the tiredness out of them. If she thought sleep would help with the pain, she was mistaken. Her head was pulsing and there was a throbbing pain in her stomach.

"There's a driver downstairs waiting, whenever you're ready." He told her.

Riyana took the hint and pushed the comforter off of herself. She winced slightly and grabbed at the bandages on her stomach as she stood up.

Sejanus quickly grabbed her. "You okay?" He asked quickly.

Riyana nodded, "Fine."

Sejanus nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, I really have to go." He said.

Riyana wondered what was so urgent but did not ask. "Okay, okay, I'm leaving," She said.

Sejanus nodded and turned on his heel, but before he could walk away, Riyana grabbed his wrist, prompting him to turn back to face her. She opened her mouth but realized she did not actually have anything to say. Sejanus didn't need her to talk, he just leaned forward and kissed her quickly.

"I'll call you when I have time." He said quickly, already walking out the door.

When Riyana arrived back at home she was met by Beatrice in the living room.

Beatrice took in her older sisters appearance with distaste. Beatrice pushed her hair behind her ear and Riyana knew her sister's neat straight hair would be a stark contrast to her own disheveled curls.

The grimace is still on Beatrice's face when she turns back to the television. "So you ran out for a hookup." Beatrice grumbled.

Riyana blinked in confusion and then remembered that she was still in men's pajamas.

"No that's not-"

Beatrice cut her off. "Oh i don't care, fuck who'd you like. Don't leave it to me to make up a story for your absence next time." She snarled.

Riyana stared stupidly and Beatrice turned back towards her.

"Did you need something?" Beatrice asked impatiently.

"No, i..."

Beatrice nodded, "Father thinks you were with Lysistrata, I told him her boyfriend broke up with her and you were there to comfort her."

Riyana thought that was a shabby excuse. Lysistrata's father worked with her father so this was a lie that could be easily fact checked. Seeing no point in vocalizing this rather obvious point, Riyana nodded and walked past.

Riyana went straight to her bathroom, turning on the shower to let the steam fill the room as she undressed. Standing in front of the sink, she gripped the cold porcelain with damp hands, her reflection obscured by the fogged-up mirror. Using her palm, she cleared a small opening to gaze at her reflection. Each time she looked, she seemed to face a more disheveled version of herself. As the mirror clouded up once more, Riyana made no move to clear it again, choosing instead to remain oblivious to her appearance.

The damp air in the bathroom intensified the scent of last night's sweat and grime clinging to Riyana's body as she reached in to test the water temperature. Satisfied with the warmth, she stepped into the shower, feeling the water cascade over her, washing away the dirt and dried blood from the night before. By the time she emerged, only the bandages wrapped around her stomach served as proof of the events that had transpired.

 Corruption of Ambition | Sejanus PlinthWhere stories live. Discover now