Chapter 129: Something is different here (1)

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The Sage Demon picked up the teacup Chief Eunuch Wi brought him.

He looked extremely relaxed as if he was savoring the taste of the tea.

– Young master-nim. The Sage Demon is the Heavenly Demon’s right hand man as well as his instructor.

Cale was also leisurely savoring the taste of tea as he listened to Chief Eunuch Wi’s sound transmission.

‘There was more info on the Demon Cult than the Unorthodox faction.’

Although the Demon Cult was just a single organization, the records he saw in the Imperial Palace had quite a bit on the Demon Cult.

There was less info than the Orthodox faction but more than the Unorthodox faction. It was right in the middle.

Although it might seem weird that there was not much information on the Unorthodox faction despite them causing a lot of incidents and influencing the lives of the citizens, this was to be expected based on the Imperial Palace’s point of view.

‘The Demon Cult may strike once at a time but everything they do is big.’

The Heavenly Demon.

The Demon Cult basically treated him as a god and followed him.

Basically, it was right for the Imperial family to see the Demon Cult as more of a threat because they were dangerous as they followed the Heavenly Demon and not the Emperor.

At least the Unorthodox faction still feared the Emperor.

‘Although the reason the Imperial family leaves the Demon Cult alone is because their location is quite remote…’

At least the top executives of the Demon Cult listened to the Imperial Palace.

And until now, they never messed with the Imperial Palace and the government whenever there was a war between the Orthodox faction and the Demon Cult or the Unorthodox faction and the Demon Cult.

Well… There were times the Imperial Palace had no choice but to step in because they messed with the regular citizens quite a few times. At minimum, they pretended to stop whenever they saw the government.

That was why although the Imperial Palace paid close attention to the Demon Cult, they could not easily eradicate them.

You mess with the hive you may get stung by the stinger. Especially when your opponent was not a common bee but a hornet.

‘But there is a more cruel reason.’

Cale looked toward Chief Eunuch Wi.

He was a part of the eunuchs. The Eastern Depot.

The Emperor had given Cale basically every record they had through Chief Eunuch Wi.

That was when Cale was finally able to understand the Emperor’s boldness.

‘The Imperial family keeps their eyes on the Martial Arts world.’

This was the basics.

‘They also do not see fights between the Triumvirates as being bad.’

They would just watch when the three groups fought amongst each other and only step in when they harm the government and regular civilians to a degree.

Because whenever there were those fights or large wars…

‘They can control the number of martial artists.’

Furthermore, the overall strength of martial artists would decrease.

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