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Mirana's eyes don't stray from either the table, Lucy or the front of the room

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Mirana's eyes don't stray from either the table, Lucy or the front of the room. She can feel a hole being drilled into the back of her head.

"He's still staring," Lucy says.

"I know, he's literally stared a gaping hole in the back of my head,"

"Only you Mira, would meet a guy who isn't a complete sleaze, sleep with him and find out you work with him," Jackson whispers causing Lucy and John to laugh as Mirana buries her head in her hands.

"All right, all right. Settle down. Settle down," Sergeant Wade Grey addresses the briefing room. "So, okay, we got some new blood this morning. And some pushing the expiration date. Get up"

Laughter bubbles in the room as the Rookies get to their feet. They all watch Sergeant Grey's every move as he addresses them directly.

"After six months together in the Academy, you've earned the right to be here. But you'll have to prove yourself to stay. The way we do things matters. Protocol and tradition are the metal from which every cop in this city is forged. Understand?"

"Yes sir," The four say in unison.

"Sit down. It's time to play the Training Officer match game," Grey says. "Our contestants are: our two hot shots, Lucy Chen and Mirana Cabrera who made their first arrest before clocking into work. Legacy Jackson West, who broke all his dad's records at the Academy. And John Nolan, who was born before disco died"

Grey pauses for a second as more laughter bubbles up in the room. Mirana glances at Lucy who is nibbling on her lip, the age jokes clearly bothering her after their conversation this morning,

"And the winners are: Officer Bradford, you get one of the hotshots, Mirana Cabrera," Grey says and Lucy pats Mirana's back comfortingly. "Officer Lopez, you get our legacy. Officer Lawrence, you have the other hotshot, Lucy Chen. Leaving Officer Bishop to ride with the 40-year-old rookie. Now, hear me. Today is your first day. Don't let it be your last. Forget the Academy and listen to your T.O.s. They'll teach you the way it should be done. That's it. All right. Be safe out there"

"That is so unlucky," Lucy giggles as Mirana glares at her. "Sorry, I feel bad for you. I really do"


"This is your shop. Do not call it a car. It is where you work," Tim says and Mirana stands listening. "First you check the exterior for damage. Any nicks, scrapes, or dents, log 'em in. Has the suspect left anything? Have a look Boot"

Mirana walks towards the backseat of the police car, inspecting the backseat of the car and pulls out when she's sure it's clear.

"Why haven't you been taking notes, Officer Cabrera? Do you think I'm impressed because you picked some low-hanging fruit on your way to work?"

"I can't learn from notes," Mirana shrugs. "I listen, process and store"

"Alright," Tim nods. "Next up, shotgun check"

Tim hands Mirana the shotgun and she takes it. Tim clears his throat when their fingers brush together but Mirana keeps her face emotionless.

"Verify it's empty. Clear it. Close the action," Tim instructs and Mirana does so. "You know your way around a shotgun Boot"

"Yep," Mirana says but doesn't elaborate, causing Tim to raise a curious eyebrow.

"So in the trunk, we have police tape, road flares, spike strips," Tim says. "Now repeat back to me the shotgun check"

"Verify it. Clear it. Close the action," Mirana says.

"Car check?"

"Don't call it a car," Mirana says and Tim nods. "It's a shop. Check the exterior for damage and record any damage discovered. Check if anything has been left in the car by the suspect"

"Body cam test," Tim says and Mirana turns her body camera on.

"Officer Mirana Cabrera,"

"Alright," Tim says. "In the car"

Mirana gets in the passenger's side of the car as Tim gets in the driver's seat before turning to face her.

"Now we're inside the car," Tim says. "Log in to the computer and put in our serial number. Always test the lights and sirens. Finally, you've got to make sure that your head is 100% in the game or we'll both be killed and you'll be a cautionary tale"

"Anyone ever told you that you're super intense, almost pathologically?"

"A few times,"

"You're so much more fun when you've had some tequila,"


"So, why do you want to be a cop?"

"Why does it matter?"

"You want me to train you, I need to know why you're in this car,"

"You don't need to know anything-"

Mirana is cut off when Tim slams his foot on the brakes, jolting her forward at the sudden stop.

"I've been shot!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Where are you, Boot?!"

"Did you hit your head or somet-"

"I'm bleeding to death. You have to call for help. Where are you?" Tim looks at a confused Mirana who can't seem to formulate a response. "Where are you?! Now I'm dead. It's your fault. Get out"

"Are you being serious?" Mirana asks him.

"Yes," Tim nods. "Get out and walk. You can get back in when you know where you are"

"God, you're an asshole," Mirana rolls her eyes, undoing her seatbelt before she climbs out of the car.

"Welcome to day one Boot,"

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