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Cool air

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Cool air. She could feel it on her face. She wasn't underground anymore. She could breathe.

Mirana's eyes crack open and she groans at the bright lights, turning her head to the side to see Tim reading a Top of The Pops magazine. A hoarse laugh slips from her lips causing Tim to discard the magazine and lean forward, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Top of The Pops?" Mirana asks. "From 2015?"

"It actually has some pretty insightful political articles from three years ago," Tim says. "My One Direction counterpart is Louis Tomlinson apparently"

"Interesante," Mirana replies, a small smile on her face. "I'm a Harry girl personally"

"Water?" Tim asks and Mirana nods.

Tim helps Mirana drink the water before placing the cup back down as the woman moves to the side of the bed, making space for Tim to climb in. Before he climbs in, Tim reaches over and presses the button for the nurses.

Mirana tucks herself into Tim's side as the door opens to reveal Doctor Sawyer flanked by all of her friends, including a wheelchair-bound Lucy. A smile forms on her face as the room fills with people.

"Oh I'm so glad you're safe," Angela beams, pressing a kiss to Mirana's cheek.

"Luce, how are you doing?" Mirana asks.

"I'm never going on a date again,"

"Good," Mirana says causing chuckles to arise. "If you do, take S.W.A.T. next time because that polla chupada"

"Huh?" Nolan asks.

"It means sucked dick," Lucy informs him.

"I got you something," John says, revealing a big blue teddy bear. "Lucy got a pink one"

"Matching tattoos, matching teddy bears," Mirana looks at Lucy. "What next?"

"Same-day tattoo removal appointments?"

"Absolutely," Mirana nods. "If he wasn't a serial killer and complete psychopath, I think Caleb could have been a decent tattoo artist"

"Well, Caleb killed James," Tims says, shooting Mirana a look. "Lucy says you provoked them over Rosalind picking a favourite. Caleb must have put you in the barrel, killed James and then kidnapped Armstrong"

"Must have," Mirana nods as Tim squeezes her hand. "I am so hungry"

"We have jello?" Doctor Sawyer says.

"Oh I did one better," Angela says, lifting up a bag. "Home-cooked spaghetti and meatballs, enough for everyone. Courtesy of Wesley. No traces of nuts. He sends his love"

"Wesley did good," Nyla says with a grin.

"Mirana, can I have a quick word outside? About your lab work?" Doctor Sawyer asks.

"Yeah of course," Mirana turns to Tim and he helps her into a wheelchair before they follow Doctor Sawyer.

"Are you comfortable with me disclosing medical information in front of Tim?" Doctor Sawyer asks.

"He's my medical proxy, so it's fine," Mirana says. "I'm not dying, am I? Because that would suck after being stuck in that barrel,"

"No, you're not dying, ironically something on the opposite end of the scale. You're thirteen weeks pregnant,"

"Yo que?"

"She's what?"

Tim and Mirana look at each other, shock written across their faces at the news.

"I'm assuming this is a surprise?"

"Yeah a big fucking surprise," Mirana scoffs. "How am I pregnant-"

"Well, when a man and woman-"

"Zip it," Mirana points a finger at Tim. "I meant I haven't been sick, I don't have a bump. I died! How is this baby still alive?"

"The human body is a miraculous thing," Doctor Sawyer says. "It's possible for a woman to be pregnant for nine months and not know until she actually gives birth"

"Oh my god," Mirana's hand flies to her mouth. "I've been drinking all this time"

"We're going to have a pickled baby,"

"You are not funny!"

"Well, the good news is that the baby seems healthy," Doctor Sawyer reassures Mirana. "But we'll need to monitor the situation closely given your recent experiences. I recommend starting prenatal care as soon as possible."

"Prenatal care? I don't even know what that means!" Mirana exclaims.

"It means regular check-ups, a balanced diet, vitamins and avoiding harmful substances," the doctor explains.

"Like alcohol," Tim adds. "Or your sneaky cigarettes when you're stressed. Yes I know about those"

Mirana shoots him a glare. "How is this possible?"

"As I mentioned, sometimes the body can be quite resilient. Stress and trauma can delay or even halt certain bodily functions temporarily. Especially with the nature of your job. Your body might not have followed the usual pregnancy signs. We'll need to conduct more tests to ensure everything is progressing as it should."

Tim puts a supportive arm around Mirana. "We'll figure this out together"

"I need to get back in bad," Mirana mutters. "Because what the fuck?"

"Alright," Tim wheels Mirana back into the room and everyone turns to face them as Tim helps her into the bed.

"Banana, you okay?" Lucy asks her friend.

"Can we have a minute?" Tim asks their friends who nod before leaving the room.

"I'm not ready," Mirana says, shaking her head. "I'm not even a P2 yet, we're both never home, we can't have a child"

Tim brushes a strand of hair from Mirana's face, his expression tender. "Mira, we'll figure this out. We've faced worse together, haven't we?"

"Tim, I don't know if I want a child now," Mirana shakes her head.

"Okay, Mira, let's talk about this in a few days. Having a child is a big decision, and I don't want you to feel pressured. We can explore our options, figure out what's best for both of us."

"Can we keep this between us for now?" Mirana asks, a hint of vulnerability in her voice. "We have nine weeks to make a decision"

"Of course," Tim assures her. "We'll share this when you're ready. I love you"

"I love you too,"

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