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Mirana giggles as Tim kisses down her neck but they're both distracted by their phones buzzing

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Mirana giggles as Tim kisses down her neck but they're both distracted by their phones buzzing. Mirana reaches over and grabs her phone as Tim continues.

"Mandatory Emergency Callback for all patrol," Mirana reads aloud and Tim groans, flopping back on the bed. "What does that mean?"

"Either the world is ending or someone important is coming to L.A.," Tim says and Mirana turns on the TV.

"Breaking News, the Vice President has decided to make an unscheduled stop in the City of Angels-"

"There's our answer," Mirana says.

"I'll put the coffee on," Tim says, pressing a quick kiss to Mirana's lips before getting out of bed.

"I think you should just walk around in your underwear forever," Mirana says, watching Tim walk towards the bedroom door.

"Back at you," Tim grins at her.

Mirana grabs the makeup bag that lives at Tim's place, sighing as she begins getting ready for the day. Tim walks into the bedroom, two mugs of coffee in his hands.

"One white coffee with a criminal amount of sugar," Tim says and Mirana smiles at him.

"You're the best,"

"I know,"

As Mirana takes a sip of her coffee, Tim glances at the clock. "We should head to the station soon. The Vice President's visit means extra security measures and briefings."

Mirana nods, finishing her coffee and setting the mug down. "Guess our lazy day is over."

Tim chuckles, "Well, it was nice while it lasted."


"Thank you for coming in on your day off," Captain Andersen addresses the briefing room. "As you may have seen on the news, the Vice President is making an unscheduled visit to our city. So it's all hands on deck. Agent Danvers"

"Thank you, Captain," Agent Danvers nods before addressing the room. "As always, the Secret Service appreciates the LAPD's assistance in clearing and securing "Redwood's" route. These are your Operation Plan Manuals. Each officer's name has been listed under a specific quadrant and zone, along with your responsibilities. Your watch commander will liaison with me throughout the day as issues arise.

"Come on," Jackson mutters.

"I'm sorry. Officer West," Sergeant Grey says. "Is there something you want to share with the group?"

"Um, no, sir. Uh I'm sorry. I just, uh I had plans I needed to cancel," Jackson says.

"So did everyone here, yet they're paying attention," Grey says.

"Yes, sir," Jackson nods.

"These assignments are your sole priority today. You will not field calls from dispatch. Let the day shift deal with that," Grey says. "Captain?"

"Most of you know the drill. For our rookies, today is going to be ugly," Andersen says. "Everything we do to ensure the safety of Redwood will create gridlock. It's important to be patient and vigilant. That's all. You're dismissed."

"This day is going to be hell," Tim murmurs to Mirana as they head towards the armoury.

"I don't get the fuss," Lucy says, joining them as they stand in line for their equipment. "It seems like we're getting a day of overtime just to close roads and hang signs"

"That's like saying being drawn and quartered is fun time with horses," Tim says.

"We're literally creating traffic jams during rush hour on purpose," Angela says.

"Everything we do today is gonna piss someone off," Tim says before telling the man in the armoury their quadrant.

"I mean, we deal with angry people every shift, but a day of OT means I can finally fix the air-conditioning on my car,"

"Oh please do," Mirana says as Tim chuckles at them. "It's like an oven in that car. What's funny?"

"Air-conditioning makes you soft. You gotta get comfortable with being uncomfortable. That's the job,"

"Is he serious?" Jackson asks.

"As a heart attack, Boot," Tim says to Jackson. "Which I gotta say you almost gave the watch commander back there"

"Seriously," Angela agrees. "Playing with your phone during a briefing is a cardinal sin"

"I-I lost focus," Jackson says.

"I only hope you were cancelling something important because Grey won't forget that for a while," Angela agrees.

"Just, uh, breakfast with my mom," Jackson says and Mirana gives his arm a sympathetic squeeze.

Mirana's eyes widen at the sheer amount of gear they're being handed.

"That's all for us?" Mirana asks and Tim nods.

"Yep. Extra road flares for the uptick in accidents. Extra ticket books for the increase in idiots,"

"Extra crime-scene tape for blocking sidewalks. And cones for closing roads," Angela says and Mirana nods.

"Oh, we're not done yet," Tim says. "Hats and bats. Tactical helmets and 42-inch batons for riot control, along with heavy-duty vests if things get ugly"

"And my personal favourite," Angela says. "The 40-millimetre tear-gas launcher for when democracy gets real."

"But, hey, at least you'll be able to ride in comfort, in Chen's car,"

"I'll enjoy the aircon so don't say it like it's an insult,"

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