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Mirana's leg bounces as the clock in the waiting room ticks loudly

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Mirana's leg bounces as the clock in the waiting room ticks loudly. Tim places his hand on her knee, holding her leg down causing her to look at him.

"You don't have to go through with this today," Tim says and Mirana shakes her head.

"I want it gone," Mirana says. "I look in the mirror and I'm back in that barrel. It needs to go"

"Okay," Tim nods.

"Am I a cobarde for wanting it gone?" Mirana asks. "Well, covered up"

"No," Tim shakes his head. "You went through something unimaginable and those twisted fucks left a permanent reminder on your body. You never told me what you're getting"

Mirana pulls up a picture of a phoenix tattoo. The design is relatively simple, the bird looks like it's flying and Tim smiles.

"I like it," Tim says.

"So I look at that day as the day I rose rather than- Well, you know," Mirana explains and Tim nods.

"It's gonna look hot," Tim states and Mirana laughs.

"You don't like tatuajes,"

"For myself," Tim replies. "I like them on you. Really like them"

Mirana grins at Tim. "It's a way for me to reclaim my body, you know?"

Tim squeezes her hand. "Absolutely. And if anyone deserves to rise from the ashes, it's you."

"Mirana?" The tattoo artist calls and Mirana gets to her feet.

"You coming in?" Mirana asks Tim who nods, getting to his feet.

Tim follows Mirana into the tattoo studio. The walls are adorned with various artworks, and the buzzing sound of tattoo machines fills the air. They enter a private room where the tattoo artist prepares the equipment.

Mirana takes a seat on the chair, and Tim sits nearby, offering her a reassuring smile. The tattoo artist begins the process, carefully working on the design Mirana has chosen.

"So you can deal with this but not a medical needle?" Tim asks.

"Trypanophobia is specific to medical needles," Mirana says. "I'm sure if you ask Lucy, she'll give you all the psychology behind it"

Tim chuckles. "Fair enough. Just making sure I don't need to get a bucket on standby."

Mirana grins. "Remember how hard that CDC woman judged me for throwing up in the ambulance?"

"You're lucky you have a very specific expression for when you're gonna throw up," Tim says. "Or else I'd have been lay on that gurney covered in your vomit"

"I saved your life," Mirana shrugs. "Using my EpiPens. So I think if I puked on you, you'd have dealt with it"

"True," Tim grins at her. "Besides, it's not like I haven't seen you at your worst. That time you had really bad morning sickness but you were craving ice cream? So you just sat in the bathroom, eating ice cream and throwing up"

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