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"Why are we here?" Mirana asks as Tim pulls the police car up behind the red van which hasn't moved since yesterday

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"Why are we here?" Mirana asks as Tim pulls the police car up behind the red van which hasn't moved since yesterday.

"I checked the computer. Rex didn't bring in his bounty last night, which means he's been out here this whole time," Tim says.

"So we're performing a welfare check?" Mirana asks. "He won't like that"

"That's why we're not going to put it to him like that," Tim says, examining the scattered broken glass and blood. "7-Adam-19, got a broken car window, missing driver. Send backup to my location"

Mirana begins following the blood trail, Tim a few steps behind her as they approach some overgrown weeds. Pained groans catch their attention and they find Rex in the weeds, his leg bleeding.

"Rex," Tim crouches down next to the man.

"Eh, that little punk hit me with a cheap shot," Rex grumbles.

"7-Adam-19, we need an RA to 1966 Keegan. Assault victim. Broken arm, possible concussion, injury to his left leg"

"Where'd he go?" Tim asks.

"His aunt's house. He's long gone by now, though," Rex replies.

Tim gets up and walks away, anger etched into his face.


"Go after him," Rex says. "I'll be fine"

"Tim!" Mirana calls as she chases him down the street.

"We're going to go and get this S.O.B.," Tim says.

"We need a warrant!"

"He just assaulted a man and he's a bail hopper, I think we'll be getting thanks," Tim says, lifting his foot before he kicks the door in.

"Nico, where is he?" Tim asks the woman.

"He, I don't know. He isn't here," The woman says.

"There's blood on your front door," Tim says. "That's exigent circumstances, so I'm not leaving till you tell me where he is"

"He isn't here!" The woman insists.

"Call him," Mirana says, grabbing the woman's phone from the couch. "Or else we're booking you for aiding and abetting a fugitive. Do it now"

Mirana tosses the woman the phone before she begins walking through the house. Tim presses on the woman's phone and the sound of a phone ringing echoes through the house.

"Hey. What's up?"

Mirana stops when she hears a voice from the phone and a second voice.

"Cops are here. Where are you?"

"I'm in Florida,"

Mirana stops outside of a small door next to the stairs and Tim stands next to her. Both of them have their guns trained on the door.

"Nico Sandoval! You got five seconds to surrender!" Tim calls.

"I'm in Florida, yo,"

"We've dealt with some dumb criminals but this is-" Mirana shakes her head.

She reaches out and yanks the door open to find Sandoval standing in the small closet, talking on his phone.

Sandoval raises his hands, placing the phone down as he exits the small closet.

"You guys want some of this?" Sandoval asks and Tim chuckles.

Mirana holsters her weapon and Sandoval kicks her in the stomach. He then turns and punches Tim in the gut. Mirana recovers quickly and kicks him in the back, sending Sandoval stumbling before he turns to face her.

He swings for her and Mirana ducks before trying to strike back but he bats her punches away before he grabs her arm and twists, causing her to crash into the wall.

"Fuck!" Mirana groans, pushing herself to her feet.

She runs forward and leaps on Sandoval's back to get him off of Tim. They go crashing to the ground and they wrestle as Mirana tries to keep him away from her gun. Nico's knee presses against her chest as Mirana pushes at his face to try and get him off of her.

"Soltarme!" Mirana gasps in panic as Nico's hands wrap around her throat.

With fury in his eyes, Tim wraps two arms around Sandoval's neck, prying him off of Mirana who coughs as she rubs her neck but Sandoval uses the position to his advantage. He pushes his feet off of the ground sending Tim stumbling backwards before he slams the back of his head against Tim's nose.

As Sandoval scrambles to his feet, Mirana is ready. She punches him in the face twice before she kicks him in the gut, sending him toppling into Tim.

Tim grabs him before throwing him against the front door. When Sandoval lands on the ground, Tim gets on top of him, pulling his hands behind his back.

"Michelle! Bail me out, okay?" Sandoval asks.

"Oh no," Mirana shakes her head, pulling out her handcuffs. "Your aunt's coming with us. A nice little family excursion to holding"

"What?!" The woman exclaims.

"Right now," Mirana says, cuffing the woman before leading her out of the house.

Mirana puts the woman in the back of the car before Tim wrestles Sandoval into the back, slamming the door closed.

"We tell no one, right?" Mirana asks.

"This goes to the grave," Tim says before moving the collar of Mirana's shirt. "It's bruising already"

"I've definitely had worse,"


Tim stands in front of his floor-length mirror, examining the bruises from the fight with Sandoval.

"He got us good, my ribs are purple," Mirana says, looking at the book in her hands. "Want me to start reading from the beginning again?"

"Yeah, I'll cook while you read," Tim says as Mirana gets off of the bed. "Are you sure you don't mind reading it out loud again? I mean you read through it at the gym"

"Esta bien," Mirana says. "And if I ever decide to become a sergeant, I have all the information stored away"

"You want to become a sergeant?" Tim asks in surprise.

"No," Mirana shakes her head.

"What do you want to do?" Tim asks.

"Well that's a conversation for another day," Mirana says, placing her hand on his chest. "Right now, I just want to enjoy the fact that we both still have all of our teeth in our mouths"

"Isn't West moving into your apartment today?" Tim asks and Mirana nods.

"We had a room that was just full of clutter so we said Jackson could use it," Mirana says.

"You know, instead of sticking West into that small box room," Tim says. "You could just move in here"

"Okay," Mirana nods, wrapping her arms around Tim's neck. "I've been thinking about it all day and I think it's the right step for us"

"Yeah?" Tim asks with a grin.

"Yeah," Mirana nods, pressing a kiss to Tim's lips.

"Are you going to redecorate?"

"A little bit,"

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