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It's been two days, and Eve has not returned yet.

A pitter-patter echoes all throughout the cottage as rain pours down outside. My tail flicks behind me as I stare out the window. My chin resting on my paws. Day's like these are Eve's favorite. Anytime she'd wake up and find it raining outside, she'd brew a pot of hot chocolate, grab a book from her shelves, and curl up on the couch. I'd sit at her feet, and purr when she'd reach over to pet me just behind the ear.

Will we ever have moments like that again? Or will I be stuck alone on the couch, no warm feet to lie on, and no fingers scratching just in the right spot.

I can't sit here anymore. Can't listen to the stupid rain. With a humph, I jump off the window sill. 

"Where are you going?" The crow watches me as I make my way out of the living room.

"None of your business."

The crow doesn't respond. Maybe he's finally learnt how to shut up. 

I don't go far. Just across the hall into Eve's spell room. Unsurprisingly it's the same as it has been for the past few days.

What was Eve doing before she disappeared? And what if... what if she had chosen to get up and leave?

My claws scrap the hardwood floor.

No. She wouldn't leave me. Nor, as much as I'd want her to, the annoying crow. 

So then, what had she been doing that night? Why had she been alone? Why had I not been beside her? 

A startling meow escapes me, almost like a hic. What if Eve never returns? She'll never place a glass down for me to knock over again. I'll never catch a mouse for her to use in a spell again. We won't cuddle, won't bicker. I won't receive any more treats-


"Leave me alone!" I whirl around with a hiss. My claws out to strike.

The crow jumps back, just barely avoiding my attack. "It'll be okay."

"You don't know that." I turn my head away. Eve's bookshelves now fill my vision. "Do me a favor and see if you can fetch the village girl, yeah?"


I face him again. "Maybe if she asks some more annoying questions she'll come up with some answers."

He seems to agree with this logic or just doesn't argue. Either way, it's the first smart thing he's done.  His wings flap as he takes off and leaves the room.

Finally, I have some peace and quiet. Turning back to the room, I try and think like Eve. What would I be doing before I disappeared? Maybe I'd be standing over my caldron trying a new spell. But when I go over to it, it's empty and nothing but squeaky clean, no smelly spell, no loose ingredients. So, if she wasn't working on brewing a spell, what was she doing?

My gaze flicks around the room before landing on the stand that holds her spell book. Sure enough, there's a book left open on it. Something warm flutters in my chest. Is this the clue I've been looking for? Will this be the one that allows Eve to come back to me?

With a flick of my tail, I make my way over to it. Once I'm just barely below, but in front of it, I wiggle my butt and aim for the very edge of it. A great burst of energy propels me upward. Reaching out I grasp the edge of it. My claws dig in and leave marks as I scramble for purchase. But I make it up. 

Sitting down, I look at the page open in front of me. There's a picture of some leaves and flowers, and then a picture of a bird. If the spell needed a bird, why didn't she use the annoying crow? 

The Cat, The Crow and The Witch ||ONC 2024||Where stories live. Discover now