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Matias jumps off the windowsill, a tiny thump sounds before he runs out of the room. I go to follow him, but my knees give out. The table meets my hand as the room spins around me. 

That spell took a lot out of me. I'm also afraid it took something from me that I can't ever get back. 

With a deep breath I take another step forward. This time my knee stays strong under me. Slowly but surely I make my way out of the study. Another knock rings throughout the cottage. If it's Eve at the door why hasn't she just walked in? Maybe it isn't Eve then. Maybe it's...

My heart stops at the thought. I freeze in the hall, my hand on the wall to keep me steady. What if it's the town? Or even Mama? Would they really know so soon about me using magic? 

"Is girl okay?" Calchas flaps his wings beside me, just at eye level.

"Is it Eve at the door?" I ask, hoping for once he'll give a straight answer.

"I will fly beside you," he says.

I sigh and shake my head. "Why did I expect you to answer?" With a chuckle I push off the wall and make my way down the hall to the door. The crow keeping pace beside me. When I finally reach the door I'm surprised to see it still closed. With the little light I can just barely make out Matias' form sitting in front of it. "What are you doing?" I ask him.

"What if it isn't Eve?"

So he has the same fear as me. "Why don't we open it together then?" Once I'm standing directly behind him, I bend down to be closer to him. Reaching out, I smooth the hair on his head and scratch just behind his ear. 

A purr fills the silent hallway. "And if it's not her, we'll facing this together, right?" He tilts his head to look back at me, leaning into my hand.

I smile. "Of course."

"Will you do the honors?" He stands up and steps to the side.

"Are you sure?"

He nods, his gaze already settled on the door.

With a deep breath I stand up. Taking a step forward, I grab the cold doorknob and twist it to the side. The door swings open, revealing a girl on the other side. The first thing I notice is her silver hair. It hangs loosely around her shoulders. Which then brings me to her eyes, they are the bluest eyes I've ever seen. Freckles dot her face like stars.

She stares at me, something like surprise, and excitement, and something else, dancing in her eyes. 

I'm finding it hard to catch my breath again. Finding it hard to remember that something in me feels different. That something in me has changed and can never be reversed. That something within me has disappeared, and I can never get it back. 

"You're hair is different," Matias says. 

I tear my gaze away from this beautiful girl to Matias. He's standing on all four paws, gazing up at this other worldly girl. 

"Do you like it?" she asks, picking up a strand and twirling it between her fingers. "I think the moon gifted it to me as a parting gift, and maybe as a way to say sorry."

The cat walks closer to her, he stands up and places his forepaws on her leg. "It looks beautiful." He nuzzles her leg. "I'm so glad you're back," he whispers. 

She bends down and scoops him in her arms. Nuzzling him right back. "I'm glad to be back too." Her gaze snaps up to me. "I have you to thank for that, don't I?"

"Yes!" caws Calchas.

The girls eyes light up even more. "Calchas! My little seer! You knew the whole time, right?"

The Cat, The Crow and The Witch ||ONC 2024||Where stories live. Discover now