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The bag over my shoulder weighs heavy with the three books I've checked out. 

The librarian had looked at me as if in disgust when I placed them in front of her. The Witches Covens, Witches Around The World, and Tales of the Witch. I had told her it's for a school project. There's no reason to give another person something to gossip about. 

In reality though? I'm hoping the books will give some insight into where Eve went. Am I hopeful? Nope. But it's the only thing I can think of that might help. And who knows, maybe the books will reveal a secret meeting the witches have every few years that Matias doesn't know about.

It's a stretch. 

Hefting the bag up my shoulder, I turn my attention outward. It's a nice day out, no clouds, a bright sun, and it's not too hot and not too cold. The town should be awake today, but something about it is sleepy. Not a lot of people wander the streets. I furrow my brow. That is a little weird.

Flapping sounds behind me. Ignoring it, I continue down the path to home. Mama wants me to be back before sunset, and the sun just barely touches the horizon.


Spinning around, my hair whips behind me. I scan the road behind me, but there's no one there.

"Selene!" A big black blob zooms into my face.

"Ack!" I yelp.

The thing moves back, allowing me a chance to recognize it as Calchas. He tilts his head to the side. "What are you doing?"

Again, I heft the bag up. "I'm heading home. Did something happen?"

He shakes his head, at least I think he does. It's hard to tell with him bobbing up and down as he tries to stay in the air. "Matias would like you to ask questions."

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow. 


I look over my shoulder at the sun. It hasn't moved. Mama won't start worrying until I'm not back by the set time, right? I turn back to the crow. "Alright. But we will have to make this quick."

Calchas caws before flying up in the air. He does a little loop and heads in the direction of the witch's cottage.

Researching through the books will have to wait.

When we get to the cottage, Matias is sitting on the porch. His tail flicks behind him as he licks at the back of his paw. "So you did fetch her," he says, without even glancing at Calchas.

The crow lands beside Matias. "I do as cat says."

Matias assesses Calchas from the corner of his eyes. After a moment his gaze flicks to me. "Have you found anything?"

Finally, I drop the bag and let it land at my feet. "I was about to before you called for me."

He stretches his neck and seems to peer into the bag. "Books?" he asks, as he sits back. "How will that help us find Eve?"

My neck grows warm. "I was hoping the books would tell me something about witches that would help."

He scoffs. "I know a lot about witches, and if there was anything, I would let you know."

"It doesn't hurt to look." I cross my arms. "At least I'm trying to do something."

He flashes his fangs at me with a soft hiss. "As a matter of fact, I have found something."

"Really?" I lift a disbelieving eyebrow. "And what would that be?"

He stands. "I think it's the last spell Eve was working on." He turns and heads into the cottage through his cat door.

The Cat, The Crow and The Witch ||ONC 2024||Where stories live. Discover now