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The final ball of any season is distinguished by one of two things, anticipation.... or dread. For, while those who have been successful in the year's marriage market look forward to flaunting their perfect, joyous unions... others shudder at the thought of spending one last night before the discerning eyes of the ton. As they know, indeed, just what the evening signifies, that their time is officially up.

And yet, to those who may still find themselves out of both choices and hope, fear not. For who knows when and where one's fortunes may change?

I arrive at Daphne's ball with Mama and Eloise. This is Eloise's first ball, and I am not surprised by her desire to make a statement.

"Perhaps you should like to paint a picture?" Eloise remarks at the young man looking at her.

"Dearest, you must see this as a rehearsal," Mama tells her. "Until you are officially out, you need not feel so strained tonight."

"As if I shall feel anything but the inability to breathe in this corset," Eloise remarks.

I smile as Daphne approaches us. "For someone who hates ballgowns... you look exquisite in one."

"Yeah," Eloise says.

"If you wish to go up to the library for the rest of the evening, I shall not say a word. Nor shall I blame you. I am merely glad you came," Daphne tells her.

"Sister... I suppose I should thank you," Eloise tells me.

"Whatever for?" Daphne questions.

"For being so perfect... so I do not have to be," Eloise tells her.

I smile at Colin as he walks towards me. He smiles at me, but it does not quite reach his eyes. I know it is a struggle just for him to be here tonight.

"Are you alright, Colin?" I ask him.

"I have something I wish to tell you," Colin states.

I nod my head. "Alright."

"I am leaving," Colin informs me. "First thing tomorrow morning, I begin my tour. I am to start in the Mediterranean."

"That is good news," I assure him. "You need time away. Time to clear your mind. Start anew."

"Thank you, Juliette," Colin tells me. "For being there when I needed you."

I laugh lightly. "You are my brother. Where else would I be?"

"I will not be here for your wedding day," Colin states.

I wave him off. "It does not matter, Colin. I would like for you to be there, but I do not require it. You know what is best for you. This adventure is what you need. I will be here when you get back." I laugh. "Though you will have to visit me at my new address."

I smile when I finally see West walking towards me. He holds his hand out.

"Dance with me."

I take his hand in mine. "Of course."

"All of the ladies of the ton are whispering about you and I," West tells me.

"About our engagement?" I question.

"Yes," West tells me. "And how beautiful our children will be."

"I hope they have your green eyes," I tell him.

West shakes his head. "I hope they have your brown ones. And your nose. And your smile."

I laugh. "Anything you would like to contribute to our future children?"

West pretends to think for a moment. "My height."

I shake my head as I laugh. "I hope they have your talent for art. Your passion for sure."

Suddenly the sky opens up above us and rain starts to fall. I chuckle as West grabs my hand and rushes me under cover from the storm. Daphne does not move. Instead, her and the duke stand in the rain. I cannot help but smile at the sight.

"Everyone... I believe this evening is complete. We shall thank our gracious hosts for such a splendid soiree in the morning. Now, go. Out. At once," Lady Danbury tells everyone.

West turns to me. "I will be at your home tomorrow morning for Colin's departure."

"Then you will take me to promenade?" I question.

West laughs. "I will do whatever it is you desire of me."

If there is to ever be a grander finish to a season than the one provided by the Duke and Duchess of Hastings this year, this author will need to feast upon her own words. For it was this couple's memorable affair that brought another scandalous London season to a close. As many now leave the city behind for greener pastures, some endings seem more permanent than others. Of course, there are other endings that will offer new beginnings however uncertain those new beginnings might be.

I stand out in front of our home. Colin is on horseback ready to leave for Greece. Eloise is across the street comforting Penelope. No one is sure how but last night Lord Featherington died.

"I shall write to you all from Greece," Colin assures.

"Do not forget to bring me a gift," Gregory tells him.

"It is not a gift if you have to ask," Hyacinth remarks. "I would fancy anything blue or white."

Colin smiles and tips his hat before taking off.

"Anthony, I do not recall seeing you last night," Daphne tells him.

"Yes. I was feeling rather unwell," he tells her. "My apologies, Sister. The two of you are now off to Clyvedon, I presume?"

"We have decided to stay in London a little longer. Take some time to enjoy ourselves," the duke tells him.

"And you? What are your plans, Brother?" Daphne asks.

"Nothing of note. Other than finding and promptly declaring my intentions to my new viscountess, of course," Anthony says.

"The viscount is ready to find and declare his intentions?" Daphne asks. "Did you hear that, Your Grace? And which young lady?"

"Does it matter?" Anthony remarks. "I have finally determined the difficulty... Love itself. Removing it from all romantic relations shall make me all the better for it. No more distractions from responsibility or being waylaid from the sensible path. At any rate, enjoy your time."

I turn to West. "Next season should prove interesting."

West laughs. "Nothing is ever dull with you Bridgertons."

And yet there is no ending in sight for this author, who recently became aware of a scheme to unmask her by one worthy opponent, indeed. Perhaps I will come forward one day. Though, you must know, dear reader, the decision shall be left entirely up to me. Yours truly, Lady Whistledown.

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