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ϟ 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝟎𝟐/𝟐𝟎/𝟏𝟐 ϟ

ELENA sat at the bench in the lobby of Mission Creek High School on her phone, waiting for her best friend to walk in.

After years of raising Leo as a single mom, his mother Tasha finally decided to take the leap into the world of online dating. By a complete stroke of luck, she matched with a literal billionaire. They hit it off, and within a couple of months, Elena's best friend was flying to Mexico to watch his mother get married.

Great for Tasha and Leo, pretty annoying for Elena when she was left at school alone for a week without her best friend. Being half-super and having to act like a normo with no powers was difficult enough. Tack on Leo Dooley being your best friend and not only are you weird, but you're also friends with weird people. And when aforementioned weird people leave, you become the weird-o with weird friends who aren't even there to back her up.

However, today was Monday: the start of a new week. Leo was finally supposed to be back from his vacation. So here Elena was, sitting on the bench waiting for the familiar short freshman to enter the front doors of the high school.

About five minutes into waiting, Leo finally entered, trailing three taller kids that Elena had never seen before.

The three began gaping, looking around at everything in the lobby.

The first one, a shorter teen who looked to be around Elena's age, wore a plaid button-up over a blue t-shirt and black jeans. As he walked, he sent a mesmerized wave to two girls leaning against the lockers. The girls cast him weird looks before sending alarmed glances to each other.

Following him, a much larger guy who seemed slightly older began to touch the walls of the school and make sounds of amazement. He wore a yellow and gray striped long-sleeve pulled up to his elbows and standard jeans. As he passed the same girls and sent a wink.

Great. A flirt.

Finally, Elena looked to the one girl of the group, who bore the same ecstatic expression that the boys before her did.

And finally, bringing in the rear, her best friend Leo walked in with a smug look, looking incredibly proud of himself. Elena rolled her eyes, reaching down to zip up her bag and then slinging it over her shoulder. She rose from the bench, walking over to Leo just in time to hear the girl speak.

"I can't believe we're actually at school! I am so excited!" she exclaimed, looking over to see Flo the lunch lady approaching. "Ooh my first lunch lady!"

She ran to Flo, throwing her arms around her waist and embracing her tightly. Elena's eyes widened as she watched Leo wrestle the girl away from Flo by her hips.

"She smelled like fish sticks!" the girl reported to Leo as she grinned from ear to ear.

"Do me a favor and try to act like you've seen the world. I have a reputation to uphold here," Leo scolded her, not noticing a football player walking up behind him.

Elena heard the rip before she even heard Leo's scream as the football player reached into the waistband of Leo's pants and tugged on his underwear. She grimaced, moving to stand next to Leo.

"If you were trying to look cooler by comparison by bringing less cool people to school with you, I don't think it's working, Leo," Elena spoke.

Bree's face lit up again, moving in front of Elena and sticking her hand out, "HI! I'm Bree. I like ponies and girl things!"

Elena stood there for a second with her mouth hung open. Realizing her expression, she quickly closed her mouth and shook the girls hand.

"Um, I'm Elena. You can call me Ellie. I like ... ice cream and ... popcorn. I like your shoes. They're cool," she spoke the first words that came to her mind.

Voltage ϟ Adam Davenport ϟWhere stories live. Discover now