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new instagram message !


Hey Willow! I know you don't
want to talk to me and that's
okay, but I just wanted
to apologize
about the whole situation
at hand. Is it okay
if we meet up?

Hello :) It's good to hear from you!
Also yeah we can definitely talk.
Are you still in California?

Yeah! Do you want to meet
at that one cafe we first met at?

Sure, tell me a time

The door opened in the cafe, and a brunette girl came into the establishment. She walked to the table that held our dear Willow. Angelica cautiously sat down at the table in the back corner.

Willow smiled at the girl, "Okay, not to sound mean or anything, but what did you want to talk about?"

There was a gap of silence between the two; Angelica had this whole speech planned out but forgot it when she walked into the cafe.

"Um," she hesitated before saying, "I'm sorry. You know, when you were dating Chase, we started to become friends. And when Chase and I were going behind your back, and you trusted us, I felt nothing. Yeah, I felt remorse and guilt, but I never wanted to say something."

"Why are you saying this? It doesn't seem like you are actually apologizing."

The girl in question began to shake her foot nervously and anxiously, "I know it doesn't. He would start talking badly about you. He made it seem like you guys were going to break up and we were going to get together. I think I was infatuated by the idea of him."

Angelica continued, "When we were caught, I realized he was a trash man. He didn't care about me and was seeing many other girls while I was in this fantasy of us. I'm not saying this to make you feel bad for me. I'm just... sorry and want you to see my side of the story. Even though it makes me the villain, which I am. I'm going to a therapist, and she made me realize I was in the wrong on so many levels."

Willow thought about what Angelica said. The blonde moved on from the whole scandal, mostly at least. She was not ready to trust Angelica again, "I don't think I'm ready to be friends again. You were the girl he said he would never do anything with, and look how that turned out. I'm happy for you, though! You are succeeding right now."

"I'm thankful for you even somewhat forgiving me. I'm happy for you as well. I saw the song release, and it was amazing."


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