Mute pt 1- A

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shy, sweet, he has social anxiety and hates eye contact and bites and picks at his fingers when nervous or overwelmed.


i walk into the BAU accompanied by my new boss Hotch. as we walk into the breefing room eyes immediately land on me. i stand there looking at the people in the room.. my new team. 

i scan everyone before looking down at my hands nervously starting to pick at my skin. Hotch soonly speaks up after reaching his seat leaving me standing at the door alone.

"This is y/n. hes new to our team taking up the empty space the state never filled.. they are mute so keep that in mind, i expect you all to welcome him.." 

once Hotch finishes speaking i hear footsteps walking up to me and i lift my head to see this tall man with blonde hair.. kinda curly but mostly straight and a bit messed up and long. his hazel eyes glow as i meet them his lips curl into a cute smile

"iv never met anyone thats mute honestly thats the one thing that i don't know about i mean i know some people choose to be mute and don't talk because of trauma but i haven't read about the other reasons.. maybe you can teach me about it when we don't have a case or on the plane ride back.." 

he says in a kinda ramble until morgen walks over 

"god reid don't talk his ear off yet.. he just got here you have all the time in the world to do that later pretty boy"

but i smile at reid and grab a small book out of my pocket with a pen and i start to write

'yeah ofc, id love to teach you about it when we have time!'

i add a smiley face to the end and show it to him, he smiles again and looks in my eyes again that same glow in his eyes when he looks at me, it makes my heart race and i quickly look down putting the pen and book back in my pocket. 

soonly after JJ walks in giving the case files to all of us and begins explaining.

--time skip--

we stand outside of this old runned down cabin, SWAT and FBI and armed police offices cover every exit and possible way out as me and reid followed by hotch and rossi enter

"clear.." reid says from behind me as i signal to him the kitchen its clear. being mute on the field is the hard shit part about my job, ill always need another agent behind me to clear rooms and i'm practically dead if i get taken on a case. just makes things 10x more dangerous.. but thats why i have a team and they seem very sweet so far. 

after scanning the kitchen i point to a blood trail leading to a closet.. i turn and look at reid to make sure he sees it and is behind me as we slowly approach the closed closet.. i slowly turn the nob and sitting on the floor tied up is our victim.. i quickly kneel down and untie her picking her up "b-behind you.." she says right before i hear a shot right behind me. i close my eyes and pull the victim tighter protecting her body with mine.. 

after a moment of my eyes being closed i hear a thud behind me and i look.. the unsub is shot laying behind me and a slightly panicked but calm reid stands with his gun pointed at the unsub

"take her out of here y/n" he says as i nod picking her up and walking to the exit as rossi and hotch run over, rossi stops when he sees me and i point hotch in the direction of reid and he quickly walks off.

i bring the victim out rushing her to an ambulance, i feel her tears soaking my shirt her hands clinging to me like if she doesnt hold on shes going to be left behind. once i reach the ambulance the peripatetics take it from there. i smile sweetly at her and grab my notepad writing something then placing it in her hand. 

i step off the ambulance as they close the doors, hotch brings out the still alive unsub that only appears to be shot in the leg  

"i was aiming for his chest" spencer says from behind me making me jump and spin around "oh sorry i didn't mean to scare you.. are you alright y/n?" he asks his tone as sweet as normal. i nod and give him a smile and he smiles back

i look off into the night sky as i sigh. i saved someone so why do i feel so useless to my team? like i can't do anything correctly without being able to speak.

my mind races and i start to pick at the scabbing skin on my fingers, i feel blood run down my nail and it drips onto a leaf.. i don't pay any mind to the bleeding until i feel spencers hand lift mine "you pick at your skin.. are you okay? most people pick at their skin when upset or stressed or nervous its a form of self harm tho most people don't think it is."

i smile at him and pull my hand back making a shooing motion with my hand telling him its fine and nothing to be bothered about.


its currently 4:26 am and i'm tired so theres gonna be a pt 2 to this oneshot because i'm really damn tired.

i hope you like it tho<3 sorry if theres any spelling mistakes i'm dyslexic so it makes it a bit hard to make things perfect if i need to improve anything please tell me

i do have and editor but can't contact them at this time because of personal matters but once i clear everything ill be sure to ask them to fix anything up for me!!

and send requests<3 i do anything :)

words: 965  

Spencer reid OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora