Chapter 17: Brute's Demise and a Lethal Request

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A new message came from ALLMIND, the mercenary liaison organization and weapons manufacturer operating on this crazy planet Rubicon during this Coral War. It was primarily responsible for providing logistical support to various mercenaries, including access to its various services and facilities, including the Parts Shop, its simulators, and the virtual Arena.

Raven had been forgetting like a lot that it itself had been offering missions. One of them being something about a phenomenon project called, "Coral Release."

"Registration number Rb23. Augmented human C4-621, Raven." said the familiar feminine A.I voice, "ALLMIND has identified you as a potential asset to the Release Project. Accordingly, we would like to assign you the following mission. Following the attack on Watchpoint Delta, Rubicon has experienced a series of Coral upsurges. Of these, the corporations have seized 1.6% of the estimated total volume. They plan to analyze this Coral at their research bases, and have initiated an air transport operation. We cannot allow the corporations to interfere with the Project. Attack the Jorgen Refueling Base, and destroy as many corporate transports as possible. We are prepared to sacrifice the Coral that will be lost upon destruction of the transports. In order to achieve Release, we must draw out the full potential of the Coral density effect. As such, we have no use for Coral that has been orphaned from the main population... ALLMIND anticipates great things from you."

"Raven... If we're to find a way to achieve Coral Release... we have to take this request." said Ayre.

Raven tapped against the side of his helmet. If they're to do this and help this plan he and Ayre have in mind, then maybe this might be it. Letting so many transports filled with Coral getting away would probably be bad.

38 transports worth of Coral, making about 1.6% of the entire thing. So much of the Coral still exists here. Amazing.

"...ALLMIND reiterates its gratitude for your favorable response." said the system, "Kindly commence the operation."


OBSIDIAN WING landed with a loud thud against the ground just inside the massive base. And immediately, the AC took off once Raven engaged the assault boost.

"Your objective is to destroy all the Coral transports." ALLMIND informed him, "Independent Kate Markson will dispose of any transports that escape the combat zone. Just be aware that she also has her limits."

Kate Markson. That's right. Raven almost forgot that one.

She contacted Handler Walter to hire him to eliminate Planetary Closure Administration inspection squads on BAWS Arsenal No. 2. Once they first met, encountering one another, Kate gave nothing but praises and encouragement to Raven, while also fighting alongside them in her TRANSCRIBER.

He did remember something when Walter considered the fact that a mercenary hiring another for a job strange, but accepted Kate's request anyway.

Throughout the mission, Walter would try to obtain more information about her and he discovered that she was apparently unregistered, even in the Arena. Ayre then mentioned that he also became suspicious once Kate rendezvous with Raven and led an attack on PCA special forces that were also operating near the Arsenal.

And that was it.

A voice snapped Raven back into reality and out of his thoughts once he heard voices over the comms while he destroyed the first three transports.

"Enemy attack!" shouted an Arquebus MT squad member, "It's one AC!"

"They want the Coral!" another realized, "Defend the transports!"

Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubiconحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن