Chapter 28: The Freelancer Who Had It All

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Raven's AC limped into the hangar as it was taken under the care of it. That last battle had really done it this time.

OBSIDIAN WING's systems were still in reboot mode, none have been fully rebooted back to life just yet. The chest was cracked right open, oil leaking out of the cracks as it breached free while some mere bits of machinery were exposed too as well. Sparks flew out of the right arm's opened-up socket. The right leg had many wires sticking out as mini-flames were being extinguished.

The two waited for repairs or replacements to be fixed up. But they were also worried about Rusty however. Haven't really stopped since they saw the RLF take him into protective custody. According to the doctors, he should be okay in the next hour or so.

Suddenly, a message popped up. They saw what seemed to be footage. They could see some kind of AC in the middle of some area in space.

Ayre was very quick to identify it. "That's ALLMIND! I don't know what they're doing, but we need to go!"

<<Thank goodness that OBSIDIAN WING's all fixed now. Dropping>>


OBSIDIAN WING glided downward onto the top of the area. There, he could see the all-black AC standing coldly.

"Look," said ALLMIND to seemingly someone, "The Coral siphoned by the corporations is beginning to resonate."

It was identified as an AC MIND GAMMA. It was carrying a 44-142 KRSV Multi Energy Rifle, an MG-014 LUDLOW Machine Gun, a 45-091 ORBT Laser Orbit, and an SI-27: SU-R8 Pulse Shield. When it sensed OBSIDIAN WING, ALLMIND spoke again.

"...Augmented human C4-621, Raven." said the system, "Your role in this story has come to an end."

The AC turned around.

"Well, well..." it said. <<No... no, wait... Iguazo?!>

"I've been waiting for this, freelancer."

Yep, that's him. That's most definitely him. Suddenly, a few more AC mercenaries, potentially pilotless, suddenly appear more. Five enemies.

"I became part of this monster... so I can crush you," said Iguazu slowly.

Raven could hear Ayre's horrified thoughts as she realized that he must've digitalized his consciousness somehow. He was willing to sacrifice his humanity in order to kill Raven, and only for that reason alone.

"This time... You will die." Iguazu's voice came again, merging with ALLMIND's.

The two rivals then came right towards each other.

Iguazu suddenly took off upwards. He fired from above.

"C4-621, Raven," ALLMIND analyzed, "C-pulse wave mutation, Ayre. You are the trigger for Coral Release. We will make you one of us."

Raven's blood ran cold. What did ALLMIND mean by that? Were they... going to fuse Ayre with it? No... they wouldn't dare. He'd rather die before ever allowing them to take Ayre's freedom away from her.

He then assaulted boosted up towards Iguazu. He was ready to test out his new weaponry.

On his left hand and left shoulder were each holding IA-C01W2: MOONLIGHT Light Wave Blades. Developed long ago by the Rubicon Research Institute. They were able to fuse both laser and pulse technology together.

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