Chapter 29: Our Shared Dream

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Ayre flew on top of the satellite, feeling weak from the blast her AC, ECHO had just taken. 

She now stood onto the giant mechanical sphere.  She stood right where she could see everything through the eyes of the previous version of IB-07: SOL 644.  Would be known as an "unimproved" version of the one Iguazu or ALLMIND piloted, however it could do more than just turn into a cannon.  

She would call it "RESOLUTION."

A shared dream was powering the very wings of this machine.  A dream that came from tw minds, linking them together, creating a seemingly unbeatable bond.  However, it turns out life is not that simple.  

RESOLUTION looked the way down.  Seeing him on the very outskirts of the battlefield where ALLMIND was still floating around.

The AC's name read DARK WING.  The black was even more darker.  It was almost like staring at a black whole, the midnight blue now shining like steel in the dark sky.  The device colors had shifted blue, no sign of Coral within the system anymore, no Ayre anymore.  

Her hurt voice spoke softly in 621's mind. "...Raven. I know you can still see it. The voices of the Coral.  And yet you turned your back on shared potential... you want to silence us forever."

She then zoomed down towards 621, who dodged with mere ease.

It then turned to see its new opponent. The wings detached themselves from the arms and folded back to the back of Ayre's new armored self.

"Raven. I will stop you." she said darkly, "You will never burn Rubicon."

<<We'll see about that.>>

Ayre frowned and the two enemies began to walk slowly towards each other.  DARK WING walked towards RESOLUTION with a VE-60SNA Stun Needle Launcher attached to its left shoulder.  

The Coral Intelligence quietly gasped at the mere sight of it, watching the powerful weapon unfold and extend.  

This is bad.  Very bad.  

That weapon will be very effective against her Coral Shield.  She'll need to wreck that weapon if she's to get anywhere near to taking Raven down.  However, it's quite obvious that she'd never allow him to do that.  

"I will stop you, and the Xylem." Ayre promised. 

She then took off to, engaging RESOLUTION's boosters. 

She came in, charging in by DARK WING's left side. "Carrying our shared resolved on the wings of this machine."

621 could see her coming at him at full speed, causing him to match it, only faster.  The two slowed down for a split second, charging up their melee weapons.  

Ayre was the first swung her blade.  

621 ended up blocking it with his light wave blade.  Their weapons were locked together. 

Ayre then looked to the person she once called her "friend," the only person who could understand her. She trusted him.

Why would he just suddenly attack her? It didn't make sense. The way whoever spoke with him... did they... plan this? Both her partner and whoever that was? Or is Raven being mind-controlled?

If this was Raven's choice, then why did he just surprise attack her?  Was he afraid of her reaction: Fighting him?  Well, of course, even if that was the case, she'd still take a stand against him.  However, she'd at least like to know...

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