Chapter 22: Change, But Without Purpose

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"621. We're picking up where we left off." Walter informed, "Now that you've dealt with the laser barrier, we can explore deeper underground. We've received a request from Arquebus to continue the advance survey. There was something else, too..." "

Orders for Raven, Advance Survey Squad," came V.II Snail's voice, "We've received some concerning information that an AC has been following your trail. Arquebus cannot tolerate unauthorized surveys that will put its Coral interests at risk."

Photoage from some camera then showed a small glimpse of what may have appeared to be some kind of really thin AC. It was too dark for either Raven or Ayre to identify.

"If you spot this rogue agent... eliminate them." Snail ordered.

"'Where there's Coral, there's blood.'" Walter quoted, "Remember that, 621."

Raven nodded and then felt OBSIDIAN WING being held up and being taken outside of the hangar.

"Who could be following you?" asked Ayre curiously, "The Liberation Front? Another mercenary?"

"Commence mission." ordered Walter, "Make your way down to the next Depth."

Ayre kept her eye on the radar as Raven glided down the giant cavern. There was a giant machine that must've stretched up to like who knows where. Suddenly, Ayre started to realize that something may be wrong.

"Something's jamming the radar." she said in warning, "It must be interference from the active Coral.. Rely on your eyes and ears."

<<Thanks for the heads up.>>

They then spotted some kind giant eel-like thing.

"Is that... a mealworm?!" Walter asked, sounding horrified, "Thing's grown into a monster..."

That thing then suddenly began to glow a little bit and act strange, aiming right for Raven.

"Coral response from inside the creature!" Ayre warned, "Watch out!"

<<What the heck is going on with them?>>

He zoomed straight past them all, eventually finding a hole leading to another section. There, they saw two giant machines.

"Breeding pods for mealworms." Walter identified, "Looks like they're out of commission now."

"Raven, I'm reading something behind us," Ayre detected, "and it's getting closer."

Raven then hovered over a small open area with a large body of water and onto a ledge made from fallen metal rubble. However, before he could continue, the sound of high-speed thrusters sounded in his ears, stopping him in his tracks. He turned around, seeing a familiar AC dropping in.

It's him...

"Go deal with a mercenary who went in alone, they said..." Rusty muttered, "Figures. Seems both of us are too dangerous to keep around. And the higher-ups wouldn't miss an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Hate to say it, but... Rubicon still needs me. So, buddy. Who needs you?"

He then took off, aiming his blade straight for Raven.

"AC, STEEL HAZE incoming!" Ayre shouted.

They dodged each other's attacks. Raven shot at Rusty with his handgun.

<<Why's he here? And why's he attacking.>>

"I don't want to dance to their tune, but this time, I don't have any other choice. I'm coming, buddy." said Rusty.

"Rusty, wait!" a new voice demanded.

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