Part 10 'My Mate and His Dirt(y) Bike

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My Mate and His Dirt(y) Bike


Chris M Richards.

WARNING: This story is for mature readers 18+. All characters depicted are 18+ and any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. IT IS ALSO ILLEGAL TO SHARE THIS WORK WITH MINORS UNDER THE AGE OF 18!

Part One of Three

Brad, Kaleb and I were spending time together after a long day of study. Brad was sitting on the window ledge and Kaleb sat on the floor while I sat on the single bed of my university dorm room. The Spring season had warmed quickly, and the temperatures indicated that Summer may have arrived early. The small room was stuffy and hot even with a fan going and the window open.

We sipped on beer and tried to relax and cool ourselves (Australians often cope with our extreme summer heat by drinking ice-cold beer, I have found it does help). At first, we spoke about our assignment deadlines and end-of-year exams, though the conversation changed. It was time to laugh and joke just like the three of us usually did. We were the jokesters who were always punking each other.

One by one as the beer dropped our inhibitions, we took off our T-shirts and continued ribbing each other. We were all glowing from the sweat on our tanned skin. Our skin was also blushing from the heat. In a way, we almost looked animated.

We were all young, fit, and sexy. Brad had blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. He was on the university Water Polo team, so he had a swimmer's body. He was a ladys man through and through and seemed to have a new girlfriend every week.

Kaleb was quitter and more mysterious in his appearance, he wore black all the time and saw the world through thick locks of hair that hung over his eyes. He was always brushing it aside to the point of annoyance, I once suggested he get a haircut or try some hair product, but it did not go down well. He was skinner than Brad and always wore a set of headphones that only ever pumped out music from Hole and Marilyn Manson (after university he became a full-on goth).

As for myself, I thought I had a handsome face and had piercings through my ears, nose, and eyebrows. I worked my hair in a punk mow hawk and wore black boots with baggy torn jeans and a white tank top. I look like a punk but never acted like one. I am expressive and flamboyant in a no-camp manner. I have a fit body as I kept my general exercise up and I would go hiking in the Blue Mountains of Australia any time I could afford the fuel to Katoomba.

I had never seen either of my friends naked but that did not mean that I did not want to. Both my friends knew I was gay, but it never was a problem for either of them. They were great they always introduced me as Matt, not my gay friend Matt (I hate being defined by my sexuality and believed the introduction of My gay Friend as a sign of latent homophobic feelings and acts still to divide and segregate people).

Looking at their semi-naked bodies and the smell of their sweat mixing in the air my cock jumped and started to become semi-erect. I crossed my legs in an attempt to hide it. Brade would never let me live it down if he saw it. He would joke about it for months. Both these guys were important to me, and I did not want to wreck either friendship.

As we continued to enjoy our beer the laughter, and talk changed to the topic of sex. We were all bragging about sexual conquest that had only happened in our heads, various positions and how they felt, the best way to masturbate. It was a hot erotic conversation and did nothing to stop my erection from growing. We were partly serious but had a lot of laughs too. Finally, the conversation died down to complete silence. All I could hear was the spinning of the fan blades. I could tell what they were thinking about from the expressions on their faces, sex, wanking and how can I get off ASAP. Do not worry, the beer had made me a little tipsy, and I was thinking the same thing. I put down my can as I did not want to get drunk.

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