Part 12 "The Hot Rock"

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The Hot Rock


Chris M. Richards

©Richards 2024. All Rights Reserved.

WARNING: This story is for mature readers 18+. All characters depicted are 18+ and any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. IT IS ALSO ILLEGAL TO SHARE THIS WORK WITH MINORS UNDER THE AGE OF 18!


It was a cold night. There were not many players out at the gay beat on Black Mountain Peninsula, so I did not hold much hope of hooking up with a hot bloke tonight. It was also late or early depending on the hours you keep. I did not arrive until almost 3 Am. I did, however, find a car parked alone, so I pulled up next to it. To my disappointment, there was no one sitting inside.

I froze getting out of the car. I tried to pretend I was there to view the lake. A sub-zero wind tried to beat me back into the car, but I resisted. I do not have a high tolerance to cold but was too hot with a desire for a man, a cock, to give up.

Suddenly I heard rustling in the shrubs to my right, and a large, tall guy emerged from the darkness and walked straight towards me. I could not see him well at first and thought, is this the driver of the car or the killer of the driver of the car? especially given the recent homophobic invasion of this beat.

This also brought a lot of police to the scene as well. They could be just as bad as the men that beat on us gays. They had the power to arrest and charge us for indecent conduct in a public place which would be bad enough in itself, worse though we could be added to the sex offenders list for life. A list no man gay or straight wants to find himself on. Or just like the homophobes, they would sometimes bash us as well.

This beat was a dangerous place to be. However, I found it amusing that my sex drive was stronger than my sense of fear, as was the lust that drove these other guys wild enough to come to this place.

He made me jump. I was startled at first. The moon was still waxing, casting little light so I had to wait until he was only a few steps away from me before I could see his grin. That friendly, I want to fuck you smile men share.

He was eager and almost collided with me and without asking why I was there, pulled me straight into a tight embrace and began to kiss me passionately. I did not resist him!

He pulled his mouth off mine so he could speak. He was fair-looking but had an awesome body. That was good enough for me on a night like this. It was hard to tell but he appeared to have light brown hair and kind eyes.

You're freezing! he took hold of my shaking shoulders.

Oh, I had not noticed. I had forgotten about the cold temperature until this stranger from the dark had mentioned I was shaking.

This wind is fierce; I know somewhere we can find shelter from it. Its just over in those bushes there. He pointed over towards the left side of where I stood.

Ok. I smiled and blindly followed him towards the dark, almost off-putting bushes. This is where people get murdered, I also thought, did many murderers kiss their victims first?

Once through the first layer of shrubs, the air almost warmed. The shrubs, Gum Trees, and Willows shielded us from the chilly wind. A step further into the scrub our feet found a little path that led down the steep slope of the embankment of the lake.

I made a little laugh before I spoke. Youre not bringing me down here to kill me, are you? I was mainly joking but just a little serious.

He burst out laughing. No brother, I brought you this way as there is a big rock, just down here in the clearing. The bushes grow high around it, so the wind wont affect us. I want to suck your cock! I felt like an idiot.

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