Chapter 3: An unwanted guest

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Warnings: swearing, husband (Ex), slight abuse

Alrighty the rest on the list might not give me as much trouble. "Y/nnnnnn!" Three voice whined in my direction I have things to do but I need to see what that noise is. I got up from the red chair I was sitting on and followed it. I ended up at room 202 and 203. Who did I hear stayed in here? Oh. Billy and stu are found in room 202 and 203. Thanks Janet, I owe you.

"Billy, Stu and... Danny?" My face turned into one of shock how did Danny get in here?

"Danny what are you doing here? Where's your guards???" I screamed "Danny, here was telling us that you favored him more than us." Stu explained looking Danny up and down. "He has the nerve to say that when we're the original?! He's just an ugly copy." Billy said looking at Stu than back at Danny. Danny scoffed. 'Are they serious? I barely even know them' I thought looking at the duo. "I don't favor anyone... yet." Whispering the last part. The three broke out in rage. "YET???" The trio yelled. Gosh... "Can we not do this today? And Danny you still haven't answered." Eyeing him. "Y/n, i'm your patient! These two should mean nothing to you." "Danny. How. Did. You. Get. Out?" "T-the guards left for their lunch break. They didn't come back." He told me. Stu and Billy rolled their eyes at his behavior. 'Like I'd believe that.' I frowned. "Danny please go back to the cell, oh and. I favor you more than them." I whispered to him. He shivered and gave a quick nod and left. Gosh. "Now, what am I going to do with you too?" I pondered "Your hot." They said in unison. "....."

"Y/n please come to the front desk." the speak blasted. Walking my way their I saw a face I thought I would never see again.

"Y/ex?" (Your ex husbands name )

"What? Janet. You said intruders arent allowed. " Glaring at the man infront of me. "I-i'm s-sorry I didn't think that he would c-come here!" Her words muffled by her tears. "Y/n~. It's been so long! I'm sure you still love me" the man said coming closer to try and hug me. "No! Get out! First you try and harassing this lady, then come back the me??? What's wrong with you!? You disgusting fail of a husband!" Wraping my fingers around his tie bring him closer to my face, than giving him one big slap. Everyone fell silent and turned to look at me. "You bitch that was in the past! Forgive me already" He screamed trying to hit me. "After what you did? No." Looking into his dead eyes.

"Hey miss are you lost?" A voice called out to me. "Ha, yeah" I said. Turing to look at him. We were both equally famous, top models. "Here let me help you". He was so kind.

'You may kiss the bride' I stared into my husbands eyes thinking that we would have a amazing life ahead of us. But I was so wrong.

"Why can't you give me a damn child?!?" My husband yelled. "Didn't you hear the doctor? It's your fault not mine!" "So now your blaming me?" "Yes!"

"Hey, Y/ex. Can you-" The plate of food dropping out of my hand. There he was. With another girl on his lap, kissing like their was no tomorrow. My eyes started to water. "What? HOW COULD YOU???" I screamed in his ugly face. Kicking the plate of food I made on the lady's face. My heart throbbing with pain.

He stayed with me for the money, his company started dropping. I cringed at how backward he could be. He would cheat and cheat. It killed me, until one morning, he was gone. One of his past wifes came to me introducing herself as Amy, yup, thats right. My secretary. She said. She was interested in me for being with him for 5 stright years. His other wifes only for one. "So why are you so different? The rest of us had the same amount of money as you, why is he still here?" Amy questioned.

"What do you need?" I asked pushing him away. "Your money, i'm in dept." He told glaring "get a job." He frowned an then sudenly smirked. "You know what?" He said eyeing my outfit. "I will." My eyes widened what have I done? "You, lady. I need a job, hire me." He said pointing at Janet. I froze. "I-i c-can't..." she said glancing at me. "And why not?" He asked. Janet didn't answer. "Room with the golden door second floor" her head facing down to the floor, her voice darker than usual. "Y-y/n you should go back to w-work" she said. So I started shuffling off. In the corner of my eye I could see her fall back into her chair. I'm sorry Janet

I have outside time with Brahms, Norman, and the Sawyer brothers maybe that will cheer me up!

Asylum secrets

Billy, Stu and Danny are down bad for you. Billy and Stu are going to share you, so they try to keep Danny away from you at all costs.

Danny felt really bad about lying to you. He asked the secret pictures he took of you to forgive him in his cell

Brahms is upset that your spending time with the others more than him.

Thomas and Bubba want to make a chainsaw with you.

Norma really likes you and wants you to be the bride for your son.

The rat of a husband you have is going to be working with you :(

(This chapter is really short sorry!
And you get a full chapter on the Sawyer brothers and brahms and Norman)

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