Chapter 4: Best group of 4 ever!

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Stepping outside I took at deep breath, trying to calm myself down. Until my waist had arms wrapped around it, and I was in the air. Tilling my head back to get a better look at this person. They had curly black hair and a porcelain mask hiding their face. "Brahms! You scared me." I said laughing it off. "Sorry! I'll be good!" His childish voice coming out. His arms tighting around me. "Its alright. I'm just messing with you." I said patting his head getting a happy squeak. Lowering me to the ground slowly, his hands still on me. Trying to move "Brahms! Let go please." I ask nicely. "No, let me hold you!" He whined not wanting to let go. "Fine, but I still have to talk to the others" all he did was nod, then suddenly picked me up. "Y/n. Point to where you want to go I'll take you there, It's like playing horse! I'm the horse and you're the rider!" He exclaimed giggles pouring out of his mouth. I giggled copying him. 'Thats actually so cute' I thought, my heart warming. "Well then onward!" I said pointing at Norman.

"Norman, dear. How are you doing?" I said while climbing off Brahms shoulders. "G-g-go-ood!" He stuttered and blushed at the name I called him. Brahms freezing a bit but continued. "What do you want to day Norman?" "I-i real-ly d-on--" "We should play hide and seek! Or do poems! Or piano!" Brahms interrupted. "Brahms, baby thats a great idea!" The name made him more giddy. "Norman, what do you think about those options?" "O-ok-kay I g-gu-uess, t-the f-fir-rst one." "Alrighty!" "I'll Be the one taking count! From 30!" Brahms offered, closing his eyes. 30... 29... 28...
Me and Norman ran and try to find a hiding spot.
Walking into a bush I spot two people. One person is laying one the ground with a nut by their head? And the other trying to catch the squirrel that through the nut. Walking closer I find that the two are...

Thomas? Bubba?

Bubba was the one on the floor unmoving, while thomas was try to catch the squirrel. I should have know who else would be outside with us? And I can recognize those mask from blocks away. "Thomas! How did this happen?" I got a grunt in return. "Poor bubba" rushing to his side. Looking at thomas for permission to touch his younger brother. I know how protective he is. He hesitates but nods anyway. He comes closer just so he knows I wont try anything funny. Taking out an ice pack from my pocket, I lightly press it on his head. Bubba jolts awake looking around. Once he sees me he gives me a huge hug. I laugh "hello to you too, Bubba." I get a happy squealed from him. He gets up fully to hug Thomas.

"Found you!" Brahms yelled scaring Bubba behind me and wrap me in a hug. Brahms is wearing his mask but the way his eyes turned could show me that he was jealous. But quickly went back to smiling. "Y/n! Lets go look for Norman now. " he said trying to grabbing me from Bubba's hold which he struggled. "Bubba" his voice going normal. Bubba quickly shakes his head. Moving back behind Thomas. Brahms looks frustrated. If they fight Brahms is done for. "Brahms you know what? Why don't we let Thomas and Bubba play to? Please be good. You told me you would be a good boy!" I ask. Brahms froze "O-okay" Brahms was happy again. I sighed and left out a deep breath.

Bubba still hasn't let go of me. I guess it's alright if he's happy. I'm shocked thomas didn't attack me for being too close. We're still looking for Norman. Until, we heard a small twig break. All of us turn around to see Norman standing in an awkward position. "Wow! Norman that was amazing hiding, It took us a while to find you!" I praised. The others nodding. They must be embarrassed, there killers how did it take so long?

"I was thinking, for the next activity we should do crafting, I borrowed some sulpting tools from a patient in another floor! Painting and colours from Micheal and Jason! and! Oh, yeah, scissors from Chucky, I don't even know how he got those. But thats not important. " I offered they all agreed surprisingly I expected a compliant from Thomas and Brahms to do something else but not they didn't.

-After a few minutes-

"Y/n! look what I did." Brahms said trying to get my attention, Walking over to see his drawing. My mouth dropped. "Brahms..." He drew a exact copy of the mono lisa but instead of the lady it was me! My mouth was still open, Norman reached his hand over to close it. I started crying. "Y/n! Don't cry, is it that bad" Brahms voice started to waver "Brahms this is... AMAZING! It's so perfect!" I screamed.

"Y-y/n" Norman ask me to come over. Norman gave me an origami vase with multiple (Favourite colour) paper flowers! "Norman this is gorgeous! Its my favorite colour too" giving it a smell and it's scented?! "Norman this is paper how did you make it smell like flowers?!" I asked amazed. He was about to answer but the brothers signaled me over.

Walking over to Thomas and Bubba in their hands was a...

Working chainsaw?! Made out of wood how they all made things like these in a span of 5 minutes is confusing. Bubba points to you then the chainsaw. "You want me to hold it?" Bubba shakes his head doing a building motion. "You want me to make one?" Thomas nods. "I have no experience with chainsaws!" Thomas points to Bubba, himself then me. "Your going to teach me?" I question they nod happily. I sat down infront of the duo. As they teach me about how to make one. I wonder if they can do this without problem why haven't they escaped?

-after a few minutes-

A bell rings signaling it's time to go inside. After said goodbyes I'm left walking alone in the hall lost in thought.

"Ouch, sorry about that" I say looking up at the person I bumped into. This man had well kept brown hair, which had headphones laid on top. A very strong jaw line, nice dark brown eyes, and was wearing a gray suit? So he wasn't an inmate then. "Ha, no need to worry. I have my headphones in I wasn't looking either. I haven't seen a pretty lady like you around here, are you new?" The man ask. "Yeah, I started last night. I'm nurse Y/n." "I'm Patrick Bateman nice to meet you, have a good one." He said smiling as he walked away.

Asylum Secrets

When Brahms said you be the rider he'll be the horse he wasn't talking about a game.

Brahms and Bubba gets jealous really easy.

Norman and Norma thought that you would be perfect for him.

Thomas and Bubba don't go outside much, but when they heard you where going to be their that quickly changed.

Bubba didn't fall because of the nut. He fell because he was scared of the animal.

The Ghostface trio was looking for you.

Three people killed their nurse and are going to be your new paicents.

Patrick really did think you were pretty.

Your "husband" isn't very happy with you hanging around others.

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